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Army Community Service - Relocation Readiness Program
ACS Building 5817 A
Katterbach Kaserne
Ansbach Germany 91522
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A loan closet is a program that allows service members, families and loved ones to borrow durable equipment or resources especially as they are awaiting their household good. This program varies by service so check out the below information to see what is offered at this installation.
The loan closet has household items such as pots, pans, plates, cooking utensils, silverware, glasses, coffee press, irons, ironing boards, toasters, microwaves.
For more information, call Army Community Service at From the U.S. 011-49-611-143-587-2121; DSN 314-587-2121
The loan closet is located at Army Community Service in building 5817A. Items can loan out for up to 60 days at a time. By calling ACS you can reserve a lending closet kit. Sponcers of arriving Soldiers and Families can sign for loan closet materials by providing a copy of the Soldiers orders.
For more information, please call. The ACS phone number is 587-2121 or CIV +49 (0)611-143-587-2121.
Release 2024.08.27.1