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When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
Lodging for PCS Soldiers
Once all briefings are completed, those serving an unaccompanied tour will be escorted to the reception barracks (BLDG 6390), where they will stay for the 4-day In-processing POI. SMs will report to Maude Hall (BLDG 6400) before 8 a.m. the following morning (Monday-Friday).
Those who arrive accompanied with dependents will be escorted onto the same bus they arrived and transported to Army Lodging. Upon arrival at van lodging, if no rooms are available, SMs will receive a memo from the front desk employees with a list of approved off-base hotels to contact. SMs will stay in lodging for the duration of the 4-day In-processing POI. Transportation will be provided by on-post bus shuttle or via taxi to Maude Hall (BLDG 6400) by 8 a.m. the following morning (Monday through Friday).
* Unaccompanied E-7 and above are AUTHORIZED three (3) days of temporary living allowance upon arrival. Within 48-72 hours, SMs must go to housing to be issued an SLQ. If SMs do not go to housing within the authorized timeline and stay at lodging for an extended period, Housing will not reimburse more than three days of TLA.
**Accompanied are AUTHORIZED 10 days of temporary living allowance upon arrival. Within the first 48-72 hours, SMs must go to housing where they will issue means of living here in Korea (Family Housing on-post / off-post). Accompanied Soldiers must have dependents register for their SOFA stamp within 90 days of arriving in Korea.
In-Processing POI
During the four days of In-processing POI, SMs will complete all Eighth Army required training, finance in-processing, and CIF (for those going to Area I and II). SMs staying in BLDG 6390 must clean their room and pass inspections before departing. To final out of POI, SMs will NEED a sponsor from the gaining unit to sign out and clear in-processing with 19TH HRC.
The following ranks can be expedited through the POI: CSM, CW4-5, and LTC and above; all others require an ETP approved by the Garrison Commander.
19TH HRC Contact Information
If SMs have any questions or concerns regarding the move to Korea, please contact 19TH HRC at DSN: 315-757-2387 or direct message via Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/19thHR.
Service Members (SMs) will need their absence request form generated from IPPS-A, or a hardcopy DA Form 31, a copy of their flight itinerary (if SMs are paying with a GTCC), at least ten copies of their PCS orders with any amendments, immunization, medical, dental records, marriage/divorce/birth certificates (if applicable), current civilian (stateside) driver’s license, and POV/VPC shipping documents (if applicable). Family Members must have a military dependent identification card and a tourist or no-fee passport (provided by the losing installation during out-processing) for entry into the country. Family members must also have a Korea Electronic Travel Authorization (K-ETA). SMs will arrive in Korea by Patriot Express, a Military Contract Flight out of Seattle to OSAN Air Base, or commercial air to Incheon International Airport. Upon arrival through either location, there will be a representative from the 19TH Human Resources Company (19TH HRC) to receive SMs after SMs complete customs at Osan or Incheon. Please note to enter Korea through customs, SMs must either have valid military orders (to include any amendments) along with a valid CAC (not expired) or must have a U.S. passport (not expired). For SMs with authorized dependents, the dependents must have a valid dependent DOD ID and a no-fee U.S. passport and be listed on the SMs military PCS orders.
The Camp Humphreys Area North Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) is available to serve you 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays. The CPAC is closed for lunch noon-1 p.m. daily. The CPAC front desk phone number is 757-2007. Incoming personnel should contact their servicing Human Resources Specialist (HRS)/ Human Resources Assistant (HRA) directly via telephone or email. Contact information for their servicing HRS/HRA is located on their final job offer.
All incoming employees should receive virtual in-processing documents from their Human Resources Specialist (HRS)/ Human Resources Assistant (HRA). These are the slides that are normally presented in the classroom setting with other selectees, but due to COVID-19 they may be sent individually to new hires and will be discussed at the virtual In-processing via MS Teams on the first Monday and Wednesday of the pay period. Please review each slide as they cover Post allowance, overseas benefits and other topics that may be of interest to employees. At any time if an employee needs assistance or have any questions concerning the virtual in-processing please email or call your HRS/HRA.
Incoming Department of Army Civilians hired from the U. S. should report to directly to their agency on their first duty day. New hire virtual in-processing is offered the first Monday of the pay period (for local hires) and first Wednesday of the pay period (for PCSing in hires) via MS Teams. Your servicing HRS/HRA will be happy to provide the MS Teams link to you. Your Letter of Employment (LOE) and DD-1172 will be provided to you by your HRS/HRA or your command liaison or sponsor and are required along with your SF-50 in order to get your Common Access Card (CAC).
Locally hired Department of the Army Civilians should report to their agency on the first duty day (Monday) of their employment after in-processing unless the first Monday is a holiday and, in that case, they report the next business day.
Due to the Korean Government laws for international travel, all incoming personnel are required to provide documentation prior to arriving in country to show that a civilian is a member of the United States Forces Korea (USFK) and the Republic of Korea (ROK). Use of PCS orders alone is NOT sufficient to show USFK membership (per SOFA office).
Release 2024.08.27.1