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Household Goods/ Transportation Office (Out/bound)
USAG Humphreys Household Goods/ Transportation Office (Out/bound)
Maude Hall Bldg 6400
Unit # 15599
APO, AP 96271
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
Shipping Pets General Information
Care for pets at military veterinary treatment facilities (VTF) is primarily focused on routine preventive medical and elective surgical care, as well as preparing pets for travel. Emergency care may not be available at military VTFs, but is available through Korean civilian veterinary clinics in most areas.
Only 2 pets (domestic cats and dogs only) are authorized transport in the event of a non-combatant evacuation (NEO) operation in Korea. Every attempt will be made to transport pets in the event of NEO, but pets are not guaranteed transport.
All pets must be registered at the installation VTF within 10 days of arriving in Korea OR after purchase/adoption in Korea (USFK Regulation 40-5).
Not all housing areas allow pets. When assigned housing in pet restricted areas, service members that have brought pets have been required to find new owners/pet housing arrangements (including shipping them back to the states).
Customs clearance is required upon entry into Korea. Service members must present travel orders and pet documentation at the Customs desk to request the SOFA import tax waiver. Pets imported more than 6 months after initial entry will be assessed an import duty.
Pets shipped separate from the service member or their family may incur additional costs (quarantine & customs fees paid in cash, Korean Currency of Won) when they travel as air cargo. Owners should discuss the details of these costs with the transportation broker prior to shipment. Shipping pets into the country as cargo separate from service member will incur more expenses and time; it takes a significantly longer time for them to arrive as cargo.
According to the USFK SOFA agreement, pets of SOFA status personnel must meet all Korean animal import requirements. We strongly recommend completing all these requirements prior to travel to avoid costly fees and quarantine of the pet at your expense. Your pet may be returned to the country of origin at the discretion of Korean animal quarantine agency if requirements are not met.
Common issues seen with pet importation:
Improperly performed or incomplete health certificate. Make sure your health certificate is original (blue ink signature) and endorsed by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) or USDA-accredited military/GS veterinarian. There is no exception for missing health certificates. Military veterinarians in Korea cannot sign a new health certificate for a pet that has arrived without one. These animals will NOT be permitted entry into Korea. Return of the animal to the country of origin will be at owner’s expense.
FAVN (rabies vaccine titer results) issues that can delay pet import into Korea include not having a FAVN performed, original FAVN results not available, FAVN performed at an unauthorized laboratory, or FAVN titer too low. Military VTFs use the DoD Food Analysis and Diagnostic Laboratory (FADL) support at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas as the primary lab for FAVN samples from pets of DoD Beneficiaries who are authorized treatment at DoD Medical Treatment Facilities. Results can be expected 3-4 weeks after receipt of the sample(s). Additional laboratories available for FAVN results within the United States include Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pathbiology, and Kansas State University. Make sure your veterinarian is using an appropriate laboratory and that you are planning far enough in advance that you can receive your FAVN results.
NOTE: If your pet is granted quarantine, it will be at your expense. Your pet cannot leave the quarantine facility during this period (i.e. they CANNOT quarantine with you). Quarantine costs an average of $20-50 per day. Additional FAVN testing from Korea will cost a minimum of $250 and results can take up to one to three weeks to receive. Pets must be up to date on vaccines (rabies, DAPV (dogs), bordetella (dogs), FVRCP (cats)).
Pet Travel Requirements from USA/CONUS to Republic of Korea
Original completed USDA health certificate.
Veterinary Health Certificate for Export of Dogs and Cats from the United States of America to Korea at https://www.aphis.usda.gov/pet-travel/health-certificates/non-eu/korea-dog-cat.pdf must be issued by a USDA accredited veterinarian and endorsed by a USDA APHIS Veterinary Medical Officer or Military/GS veterinarian.
Find a Military VTF: https://www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Health-Readiness/Public-Health/Veterinary-Services/Veterinary-Treatment-Facilities
Find a USDA Endorsement Office: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/service-centers-endorsement-offices
All health certificates must include original signatures (in blue ink), no copies will be accepted, and contain the required information:
Pet Travel Requirements from outside of US/CONUS (OCONUS) area
Consider contacting the Korean Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA) office directly or through your sponsor to confirm the travel documentation for your pet's travel.
The same requirements above apply, except:
Original health certificate issued by a Military/GS veterinarian and endorsement by official government veterinarian from the host nation (e.g. certificate and kennel stamp from the Japanese export veterinarian or an EU pet passport signed and stamped by a German government veterinarian) must be presented at time of entry.
Certain countries are considered “rabies-free” by APQA and a list is maintained online based on current outbreak statuses of those individual countries. Pets originating from these countries do not require a rabies vaccination or rabies antibody test IF they have been present in that country for the last six months.
Their health certificate must contain the following statement from the veterinarian: “I certify that this (these) animal(s) were kept for more than six months prior to shipment in rabies free countries/regions (provide the name of the country/region) designated in the ROK quarantine regulations."
Animals traveling from Australia or Malaysia require additional documents relating to Hendra/Vipah virus. See the APQA website.
List of Internationally Approved Laboratories for FAVN tests:
Permanent Change of Station with Pets to Republic of Korea
For the most current information on PCSing with pets check with your local military vet clinic, please see information from the following services:
United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/by-country/pettravel-korea.
Camp Humphrey Veterinary Services, recommend that you visit their Facebook page for veterinarian information: https://www.facebook.com/CampHumphreysVeterinaryServices
Specific airline used for travel. Airlines may have additional documentation and payment requirements.
Army Public Health Center. https://phc.amedd.army.mil/topics/animed/vtfo/Pages/Animal-Import.asp. This is intended to serve as a guide. The pet owner is responsible for ensuring their pet meets all importation and shipping requirements as put forth by the USDA, QIA and airline.
106th Medical Detachment Veterinary Service Support (106th MED DET VSS): https://phc.amedd.army.mil/organization/Pages/VtfByLocation.aspx?loc=korea or DSN 315-737- 9720/9721, Commercial 011-82-503-337-9720/9721.
Animal Quarantine Location Information
Osan Pet Lodge/All Paws Osan Pet Care – DSN 315-784-4314 or COMM +82-10-5663-1304
Camp Humphreys Pet Care Center – COMM +82-70-7597-0513 or Email: Humphreys@thefirstclasspet.com
Incheon Airport Animal Quarantine Center - https://www.dvidshub.net/video/336615/pet-quarantine-facility-korea.
Osan AB VTF – DSN 315-784-6614