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Army Community Service Financial Readiness Program
Army Community Services Personal Financial Management Services
Maude Hall Bldg 6400
Unit #15228
APO, AP 96271
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources are available to help you understand and manage your finances, including one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family with financial readiness. Services are designed to focus on money management issues throughout your active-duty lifecycle and into retirement. Financial readiness educational opportunities range from basic planning to long-term investing. Check out the information below to see what’s available at your installation.
The Financial Readiness Program’s mission is to provide financial literacy training and education, personal financial counseling, and Information and Referral services to assist service members and families in developing skills and strategies to fulfill their financial obligations, meet their financial goals, and maintain their financial and mission readiness. During a personalized session, our Financial Readiness Program (FRP) counselors will review your relevant documents, provide you with an individualized assessment, and work with you to develop a personalized spending plan based on SMART goals.
Common Military Training Topics:
Ancillary Training Group Session Topics:
Financial and Money Management Personalized Session Topics:
Information and Referral:
We work closely with our JAG office to offer Information and Referral services on the following legal affairs topics:
Army Emergency Relief:
The Financial Readiness Program also provides support through Army Emergency Relief (AER).
AER is private, nonprofit organization established to help Soldiers and their Families in emergency financial situations due to no fault of their own. AER can assist with:
AER partners with other military aid societies to enable local assistance for service members from the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. AER also provides scholarships.
Release 2024.08.27.1