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Army Community Service
Army Community Service USAG Humphreys
Maude Hall Bldg 6400
Unit # 15228
APO, AP 96271-5716
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
The Military and Family Support Center is one part of a larger network of agencies, programs, services, partnerships and individuals that supports your personal and family readiness. The larger system called the Military Family Readiness System is a web of support for you and your family. The Military and Family Support Center should be one of your first stops once you arrive at a new installation. The programs and services they offer are a key resource for you and your family.
Military and Family Support Centers provide information, education and support programs to help balance the demands of military life. Offerings include:
Military and Family Support Centers may provide other programs such as the following:
Exceptional Family Member Program
Family Advocacy Program
New Parent Support Program
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Services may vary by location and installation. Use the Search tool to find contact information for your installation Military and Family Support Center. Just enter your installation name, Zip code or state.
The Army Family Team Building Program is a series of classes broken down into three levels that focus on Military Knowledge, Personal Growth and Resiliency, and Leadership Development. These progressive instruction classes equip family members and Soldiers with the tools necessary to navigate through Army life while enhancing personal growth and building leadership skills. Classes are interactive and are taught by volunteer instructors. For additional information and to register for a class, or if you would like to be an instructor, call Army Community Service at 315-757-2363.
The Army Volunteer Corps (AVC), is the center of volunteer recruitment, referral, recognition, and advocacy efforts for USAG Humphreys. Volunteers are referred to a wide variety of positions throughout the on and off-post communities. Through volunteer service, individuals can learn or enhance skills, get to know the community, meet new people, build their resumes, and more. Organizations wishing to benefit from volunteer service may contact ACS Army Volunteer Coordinator for assistance. Information about volunteer opportunities can also be found by checking out the Volunteer Management Information System online at MyArmyOneSource.com or at ACS in Building 6400 or call 315-757-2363.
Army Family Action Plan
Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) is an Army-Wide program designed to improve Army quality of life. Through AFAP, Active and Reserve Component Soldiers, Army Civilians, Family Members, Survivors, and Retirees have a method to voice concerns to Army leadership and make recommendations for change. For additional information or to become a part of this great process, contact Army Community Service in Maude Hall, building 6400, or call 315-757-2373.