The Carlisle Barracks directory can be reached by calling 717-245-3131 or DSN 312-242-3131.
- Family Quarters has government housing for a total of 277 families. For those unable to be housed on the installation, they will be referred with assistance in locating a home in the local community. Current information on quarters availability and off post housing may be obtained at the Housing Office 520-673-7870/7742.
- Child Development Center provides full-day and part-day care. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Child Development Center 717-245-3701, DSN 312-242-3701 or McConnell Youth Center 717-245-4555/4757. Enrollment information can be obtained through Parent Central services at 717-245-3801.
Defense Service Network (DSN) Dialing Instructions
The DSN is the provider of long-distance communications service for the Department of Defense (DoD). Every installation has a special DSN number and the numbers vary by world-wide location. In order to place a call using DSN, the caller must be using a military phone on an installation. Cell phones cannot dial DSN numbers. When dialing a DSN number from a United States installation to another United States installation, it is unnecessary to dial the DSN 312 area code. When dialing a DSN number to/from overseas locations, the DSN area code must be included. The operator can be reached at commercial (719) 567-1110. Please note that long distance charges may be incurred.