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Visitors Center
870 Jim Thorpe Road
Carlisle, PA 17013
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
PCS in-processing
The Soldier should report to their unit to sign in from their PCS absence. MPSD will arrive all Soldiers assigned to a tenant UIC. Soldiers assigned as Staff and Faculty to the US Army War College will be arrived by the G-1 in Room 233, 2nd Floor Building 46 (Anne Ely Hall). All Soldiers should receive their Unit checklist prior to being sent to MPSD for their Installation In-Processing checklist. Soldiers will turn in their PCS absence request to the in-processing technician and be arrived at the installation. The copies of the absence requests will be returned to the Soldier for the purpose of completion of in-processing.
Military Personnel Services Division is in Room 133, Building 46, Anne Ely Hall.
If a Soldier requires permissive temporary duty travel for house hunting purposes this action must be processed and approved through the Soldier’s unit personnel administrative center. The Soldier will then be arrived to the gaining UIC in the Integrated Personnel and Pay System by the MPSD; the actual in-processing procedure may begin when the Soldier signs back in off their permissive TDY.
If a Soldier arrives at the installation during non-duty hours and requires assistance, they must contact the Carlisle Barracks Police Station duty officer at 717-245-4342/4115, Building 400. The duty officer will provide the Soldier with the contact number for the unit Commander or First Sergeant so they can get billeting (E6 and below) or any other assistance needed. The Soldier is responsible to report to their unit the next duty day.
During the automated in-processing procedure beginning on the Soldier’s first duty day, they will be entered into Compass and given a personalized in-processing checklist which is to be completed within five duty days. This checklist will include all mandatory stations, complete with locations; the Soldier is required to physically in-process. The checklist must be signed off by the responsible agency representative.
Soldiers are required to in-process the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System/Real-Time Automated Personnel Identification System workstation, Room 135, Building 46 to update personal/family information during their initial first duty day visit to MPSD.
Upon receiving the personalized installation in-processing checklist the Soldier must visit each section designated mandatory on the checklist, obtaining the required signatures. The Soldier must return to MPSD with the completed checklist for a final accounting.
The Soldier has a maximum of five duty days to complete this procedure. The original in-processing checklist will be returned to the Soldier; they will in turn submit the completed checklist to their S1/PAC to be filed in the Soldier’s personnel readiness file in accordance with Army Regulation 25-400-2.
Centralized In-processing for USAWC Students will continue to be controlled and coordinated by the U.S. Army War College, G1 Office. Installation in-processing point of contact phone number is 717-245-3899, reference is AR 600-8-101.
Army War College students
Upon your arrival, all U.S. military and civilian resident students will immediately check-in with the U.S. Army War College, G1 Office. You will be provided an arrival checklist containing the date and time of your centralized in-processing or virtual in-processing as dictated by the AWC. If you respond to the following items as listed, you and your family will experience minimal delays upon arrival. Please review this information completely and comply with all suspense dates and requirements.
Arrival of all resident students will report to U.S. Army War College, G1 Office located in Building 46, Anne Ely Hall, second floor, during normal duty hours. All others arriving after duty hours will report the following business day between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Other services members of the following services should call their senior service representative's office at 717-245-4200, or report to Room 3092, Root Hall, 651 Wright Ave. upon arrival: Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard.
Newcomers orientation
The Relocation Readiness Program focuses on ensuring that support and assistance is available for inbound and outbound military personnel and their family members. For additional information contact Army Community Service at 717-245-4357 or DSN 312-242-4357.
If a member gets married prior to issuance of orders and has completed the process of entering all necessary information into DEERS, and the spouse's information is on the current orders, travel for the spouse and the higher weight entitlement for "with dependents" will be authorized. If proper procedures are not followed, the member will be responsible for the cost of any travel and transportation entitlements for the spouse.
Release 2024.08.27.1