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Household Goods/Transportation Office (outbound)
46 Ashburn Drive
Anne Ely Hall, Room 230
Carlisle, PA 17013
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
All dogs and cats over the age of 3 months residing on Carlisle Barracks must be registered with the base’s veterinary treatment facility within 10 days of arrival. Owners must present their military ID and proof of rabies vaccination for all of their pets.
All cats and dogs must also have subcutaneous microchip identification. Current rabies vaccinations on all pets is a Pennsylvania state law.
There is currently no Veterinary Treatment Facility on the installation.
There is no quarantine unless a pet bites a human, in which case a 10-day, in-home quarantine is imposed. Pet transportation is the responsibility of the owner.
PCSing Oversees
Some countries have strict regulations and may require more than six months preparation to ensure that all requirements can be met and health certificates issued on time.
Call well in advance to schedule appointments for required testing, vaccinations, microchipping and health certificates. Remember to pick up your pet’s records when PCSing to your next duty station.
Release 2024.08.27.1