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Air Force
Family Advocacy
300 Tuskegee Boulevard
Bldg 300
Dover AFB, DE 19902-5263
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
The Family Advocacy Program is responsible for the prevention of and response to child abuse and neglect and domestic abuse/intimate partner violence in military families. It works with civilian social service agencies, military and civilian medical providers, law enforcement, legal personnel, chaplains, and child and youth programs to provide a coordinated community response. The goal of the program is to promote the prevention, early identification, reporting and treatment of child and intimate partner abuse.
Program services vary by installation, but generally include:
• Public awareness campaigns, education and support for individuals, couples and parents• Parenting support at every age and stage, including New Parent Support Program home visits for expectant parents, new parents and families with young children• Safety planning, advocacy and support for domestic abuse victims• Clinical treatment for abusers and all affected family members as appropriate
The Family Advocacy Program, or FAP, is the Defense Department program designated to address domestic and intimate partner abuse, child abuse and neglect, and problematic sexual behavior in children and youth. FAP works on every military installation where families are assigned, and supports service members, their spouses, partners and families to prevent abuse, promote victim safety and offer treatment and rehabilitation for healing after a traumatic event has occurred.
FAP directly provides or coordinates a range of services for individuals and families impacted by violence, abuse and neglect. Program services may vary by installation. FAP services are designed to:
Family Advocacy Program prevention, education and outreach services vary by installation and may be offered in coordination with military or civilian partners. Contact your installation Family Advocacy Program or Military and Family Support Center for local listings. Services may include the following:
If you or someone you care about is seeking support for domestic abuse, confidential assistance is available. See the options below for information, support and services:
Call 911 or military law enforcement if you witness domestic abuse, or you or someone you know is in immediate danger.
If you have concerns about a child's welfare or safety, whether at home or in the care of a Defense Department child or youth program, contact the following for assistance:
Call 911 or military law enforcement if you witness abuse or neglect or suspect a child is in imminent danger.
Domestic abuse victims may choose to make a restricted report which provides access to the full range of FAP services, including counseling provided by credentialed FAP clinicians, and support from a victim advocate to develop a safety plan. With a restricted report, military law enforcement and command will not be notified. Only three groups of professionals have been granted the authority to keep information about domestic abuse confidential under the restricted reporting option:
While victims are also entitled to the protections of privileged communication with a chaplain, disclosing domestic abuse to the chaplain is not a report and will not connect victims to FAP services. In the event a victim seeking a restricted report is in imminent risk of harm, or someone else is at risk, an unrestricted report must be made so that law enforcement can respond.
For more information see the Military OneSource article Domestic Abuse: Military Reporting Options.
If a victim chooses to make an unrestricted report of domestic abuse, both command and law enforcement are notified. Victims have access to support and protection from command, such as a No Contact Order or a Military Protection Order. Victims have access to the full range of services, including medical care, counseling, victim advocacy and safety planning. With an unrestricted report, victims may also seek legal services through the military, and work with a victim advocate to apply for transitional compensation, if applicable.
Family Advocacy Program services are available to service members and family members eligible for care in a military treatment facility. This includes intimate partners who share a child in common with a service member, live with or previously lived with a service member. Dating partners and others may qualify for limited support and referrals as appropriate. Contact your installation Family Advocacy Program for details.