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Air Force
Military Housing Office
155 Texan Street
Building 140
GAFB, TX 76908-4414
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Our living quarters are privatized and operated by Hunt Military Communities (HMC). If you are eligible to live on base and have not already completed a housing application, please contact HMC at 325-326-0300 or visit the Goodfellow Family Housing website. There are a limited number of privatized housing units available, making it impossible to offer homes to all military families at Goodfellow AFB. Therefore, it is Air Force policy to rely on the local community as the primary source of housing for military families.
Visit homes.mil to find your new home with the Air Force. This website serves as a one-stop shop for Airmen and their families to obtain information about the housing options and support services available to them at Air Force bases world-wide. Housing policy is subject to change; after visiting the website, please contact the Military Housing Office: (325) 654-3498.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
Inbound members can also visit the Air Force Housing Website: www.housing.af.mil (select “current or future resident”, then select base).
This site provides contact info for both MHO and Goodfellow Family Housing contact numbers and email addresses.
This website serves as a one-stop shop for Airmen and their families to obtain information about the housing options and support services available to them at Air Force bases world-wide."