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Deployment/Mobilization - Military and Family Support Center - Air Force and Navy
4827 Bougainville Drive
Second Floor
Honolulu, HI 96818-3174
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs — ranging from educational briefings to morale calls — for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. Military members may be assigned to a specific installation but support may come from local communities, Yellow Ribbon events or the installation itself.
Concerned about how you and your family will adjust during periods of separation? The Military and Family Support Center plays a key role in the preparation process by assisting individuals and commands in getting military and family members ready for each phase of deployment. Deployment support specialists are available for pre-deployment, deployment, and post deployment briefing.
Document Preparation and Update
Preparation and communication are the keys to having a positive deployment. It is important for you to keep copies of important documents and other valuable information in a safe place. Review this information on a regular basis and contact MFSC for additional information and referral.
Try to write about solutions or plans, not problems. Spouses and, perhaps, children should have activated E-mail accounts to ensure a communication connection exists between the deployed service member and family members. Buy cards for special occasions before the deployment. In any situation, ensure as many ways of communicating as possible and try to communicate frequently. Number letters as mail is sometimes delayed and letters may not be received in the order written. Start homecoming plans and communicate them throughout the deployment.
Record of Emergency Data / Dependency Application
Ensure that your RED/DA, formerly Page 2, is updated. The RED/DA, formerly Page 2, identifies service member's primary and secondary next of kin to be notified in the event of death, illness or injury. This document should be reviewed on a regular basis and whenever there are any life changes (e.g. marriage, divorce, death of parent, birth of child, etc.)
In addition, the RED/DA, formerly Page 2, lists all the service member's family members to establish entitlements and designates beneficiary for entitlements (unpaid pay and allowances, death benefit).
Single Parents/Dual Career Military Couples
Single parents and dual-career military couples may experience even greater anxiety and stress over a deployment. Without a spouse to stay behind, they must make sure their children will be cared for.
Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS)
This information needs to be updated prior to deployment. This information assists the Military and Family Support Center personnel with information for contacting family members in the event of an emergency, disaster, or other emergency.
Family Care Plan
Whether it's a deployment or training, sometimes your military career obligates you to leave your family and loved ones for an extended period of time. While being away from home is never easy, creating a family care plan can give you some peace of mind while you’re gone. A family care plan is designed to guide caregivers and provide important details about child care, school, medical care and family activities. While a family care plan can’t ensure everything will go perfectly while you’re away, it could provide your caretaker all the right information to make prudent decisions in your absence and run the household in a responsible manner. For your own peace-of-mind, ensure all family members are connected to the local military treatment facilities. If there is a family member with special educational, mental or medical needs, you should contact your Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Coordinator before leaving your current duty station, to arrange for current services to continue after you relocate. The EFMP Coordinator is usually located at each military medical treatment facility. If you are unsure of how to contact your local EFMP Coordinator, contact MFSC JBPHH, EFMP Liaison at 808-474-1999, or call the EFMP Coordinator at Tripler Army Medical Center at 808-433-4441.
For your own peace-of-mind, ensure all family members are connected to the local military treatment facilities. You should, at a minimum, apply for local Tricare services for your family members, update DEERS and ensure ID cards won't expire during the deployment.
ID Cards
All military family members age 10 and above need their own ID card. Check ID cards for expiration dates. Are they valid until after your return from deployment? Be sure your family knows what to do if the card is about to expire. If card expires, family member's enrollment in DEERS could be dropped. Be sure family members have the proper paperwork, DD Form 1172, and normally an up to date specific Power of Attorney, and supporting documents Marriage Certificate, picture ID in the event they lose or misplace their ID card while the service member is deployed. DD Form 1172’s are now done on-line.
Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
All service members are entitled to life insurance and can also purchase for family members.Review on a regular basis and whenever there are any life changes (e.g. marriage, divorce, death of parent, birth of child, etc.) You must have separate designation of beneficiary - not governed by will.
A will is the document that directs the transfer of your property upon your death. You may revoke or modify it at any time. It is critical that you update and maintain your will. Contact Region Legal Service Office, Northwest, Detachment Hawaii.
Power of Attorney
If married, at a minimum, your spouse needs to have appropriate Powers of Attorney (POA). You should contact your local Region Legal Service Office, Northwest, Detachment Hawaii before leaving your current duty station. They can provide many other legal services and should be consulted before PCSing and/or deploying.
A Power of Attorney is a legal document giving authority to another to act/sign in your name. There are two types of POA - Custom/General and Specific/Special.
A POA is only good for one year! Keep it updated. Ensure you have complete trust in anyone to whom you give your POA. A POA is required along with Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) to obtain base and city stickers.
Preparation before deployment
Whether an experienced deployer or a first-timer, preparation is necessary to ensure service members and their families are prepared for deployments. Military and Family Support Center assist service members and their families in understanding and coping with the demands associated with military lifestyle, especially with increased frequency of deployments with the goal of improving readiness. The goal of deployment programs is to ensure the readiness and safety of each military member and to improve the quality of life of each family member, regardless of the length of their career or experiences thus far. Additional preparation of your home, vehicle, and other items must also be considered if you are to be deployment ready. Whether you own your home or lease, there are several items to take care of before you deploy:
You should never deploy without first arranging adequate financial support for your family members. Discuss what funds are available in an emergency and what constitutes an emergency. Both partners need to be aware of the family finances. Try to save at least one month's pay in a savings account to use in case of emergency. Financial counselors are available at the Military and Family Support Center to assist you and your family in establishing a spending plan. Arrangements for allotments can be made via your bank and/or Regional Support Center (RSC) office. Contact your local Regional Support Center (RSC) office before Deploying if you have questions about this.
For emergency financial situations before or after Deploying contact your local Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) or Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) for assistance. If you are traveling, you should contact the nearest American Red Cross (ARC) for emergency funds.
Additional Sources of Help
The Command Ombudsman and Command Family Support Group or the Squadron Key Spouse are excellent resources for assistance. If you do not know who your Command Ombudsman or your Squadron Key Spouse is, contact the Military and Family Support Center's Ombudsman/Key Spouse Coordinator. The Military and Family Support Center offers professional counseling services for family members and offers a wide range of personal and family enrichment programs to address issues for Navy and Air Force personnel and their families. Chaplains provide counseling and can point out other sources of help.
Air Force Specific
The Air Force's Family Readiness Program (FRP) is also referred to as the "Hearts Apart Program."
Services under the FRP "Hearts Apart Program" include:
If you are an Air Force spouse needing to get in touch with your Commander's Key Spouse Liaison (formerly known as Key Spouse), please contact your Unit First Sergeant or call the Military and Family Readiness Center at 808-449-0301.
Release 2024.08.27.1