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Financial Readiness Program
3443 Aerobee Road
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources are available to help you understand and manage your finances, including one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family with financial readiness. Services are designed to focus on money management issues throughout your active-duty lifecycle and into retirement. Financial readiness educational opportunities range from basic planning to long-term investing. Check out the information below to see what’s available at your installation.
Army Emergency Relief is available on an emergency need basis for active duty service members, retired service members (20 + years or medically retired) and dependents of active-duty or retired service members. Dependents must obtain a Special Power of Attorney. Call 256-876-5397 during regular duty hours or American Red Cross at 877-272-7337 after duty hours or on weekends and holidays. If 50 miles outside of Redstone Arsenal, please contact Red Cross.
The Army Community Service Personal Financial Readiness Program offers a full range of financial and consumer affairs assistance programming including help with budgeting, education on money management, assistance with creditor arrangements, and related financial matters. Call 256-876-5397 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.