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School Liaison
500 Washington Road
West Point, NY 10996
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
DoD Schools
The Department of Defense Education Activity operates two schools on West Point, West Point Elementary and West Point Middle School. These schools provide challenging and stimulating curriculum and extra-curricular activities. The availability of these activities contributes to an outstanding education for West Point students.
The West Point School District consists of two schools; the West Point Elementary School accommodates children from full-day universal pre-kindergarten through fifth grade while West Point Middle School is home to sixth grade through eighth grade. Approximately 430 students are enrolled at West Point Elementary and 165 students at West Point Middle School. To be eligible to attend, families must reside in family housing on the military installation and be Active Duty, DoD or Non-DoD Federal Agency Employee. Students that do not reside within the designated walking distance will be transported by bus.
High school students who reside at West Point attend James I. O’Neill High School, a comprehensive public senior high school certified by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. O’Neill High School is part of the Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District.
Children who do not live on post will attend school in the district respective to the location in which they reside.
Homeschooling is very common in the West Point community and has an active group of supporters. Sponsors are responsible for complying with applicable local state requirements. Dependents must are permitted to use/receive auxiliary services from West Point Schools.
DoDEA has developed rigorous and demanding curriculum standards. The curriculum standards specify what students should know and be able to do. DoDEA curriculum standards are based on the content standards produced by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council of Teachers of English/the International Reading Association, the National Research Council’s National Science Education Standards and the National Council for Teachers of Social Studies.
Standards are important because they set high levels of learning and performance for all students. The standards also serve as a basis for assessment across the curriculum. They focus on what is important in each curriculum area.
Students who live too far from school to walk to and from school are transported by bus. Only these students may ride the bus.
Bus students in grades K-6 may not walk home from school without a written request from the parent to the Principal. Bus schedules are carefully developed dependent upon residence. Students ride only their assigned bus. Parents must make their own transportation arrangements for after school activities. (i.e. scouts, visiting a friend.) The only exception is for childcare purposes; this exception is granted by the Principal after advanced written notice is received and only if space is available on the designated bus.
West Point Schools are participants in the National School Lunch Program and is subsidized by both the State and Federal Governments. The objective of this program is to provide the students with a well-balanced, nutritious lunch with selections from the major food groups including fluid milk. Children may also bring lunch from home and purchase ala-carte items (milk, fresh fruit, and snacks) to supplement nutritional requirements.
In partnership with West Point MWR’s Child and Youth Services Youth Sports and Fitness, WPMS offers three seasons of athletic activities. The intramural program is free of charge; the modified sports program follows the Army Fee Policy. The program is administered and equipped by MWR, and the school provides DoDEA employees to coach.
Registration Requirements
Eligibility: In order to register your child/children in West Point Schools, you are required to reside in post housing assigned on the United States Military Academy at West Point. If waiting for quarters, a letter from the Housing Office, Balfour Beatty (or its affiliate) indicating you will have quarters within 90 days is required. If the student is a ”guest‟, a letter from Housing, Balfour Beatty (or its affiliate) approving the request for the student to reside in quarters AND a copy of an official legal document from a court of competent jurisdiction indicating the person has been appointed a guardian for the child that is to be enrolled are required. To make sure this policy is enforced uniformly throughout DDESS, in every instance where a person seeks to enroll a child through the use of a guardianship, the DDESS district must contact the DDESS General Counsel’s Office for determination on the sufficiency of the guardianship. For all other students, if applicable, court documents indicating custody, i.e. divorced /separated parents are required.
Age Requirements:
Registration for all Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) requires at a minimum:
Online Registration for New Students
Parents of students attending Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools can register their children for school with the click of a button. DoDEA has launched DoDEA Student Information System (DSIS) online registration with the aim of reducing manual forms and easing the registration process. This family portal is available to new students for the next school year at the beginning of each April.
Parents can utilize the attachment feature on the registration website to attach additional forms, immunizations and birth certificates for students.
Special Education
The West Point Schools are responsible for the assessment, identification, and education of children, ages 3-21 inclusive, who are classified as educationally disabled under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I.D.E.A 1991). To meet this requirement, a school-based team of specialists is available to review referrals, determine the need for evaluation and provide special education and related services. Service delivery models include: inclusion, pull out programs, co-teaching, consultation, monitoring and homebound instruction. While every effort is made to educate the children in their regular classrooms, some placements are separate from regular classrooms. These separate placements are determined to be least restrictive in that a child is given an opportunity to participate in an educational program appropriate to his/her individual instructional level. All pullouts are based on specific criteria.
Local School Boards
Enrollment Size
Approximately 600 children are enrolled in schools located on West Point. This number varies slightly dependent upon Soldier and Family populations within the community.
Academic Scores
Additional accreditation information and standardized test scores for West Point schools are available through the DoDEA Data Center.
Grade Systems
DoDEA schools grades K-3 utilize achievement codes rather than letter grades:
E-EXCEEDS grade-level expectations.
M-MEETS grade-level expectations.
S-STEADY progress towards grade-level expectations.
L-LIMITED progress towards grade-level expectations.
DoDEA schools grades 4-12 follow the same grading scale:
Adult Education
West Point offers many opportunities for continuing education within the community both through online and evening courses. See the Education - Training (College/Technical) section for additional information.
The West Point School District includes West Point Elementary (PK-5) and West Point Middle School (6-8). Both schools are located on the grounds of West Point and are part of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA). Full time Active duty or DoD civilians who reside in permanent on base housing on West Point meet eligibility to register children in West Point (DoDEA) Schools. Students entering kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before 1 September of that academic year. Family members in grades 9-12, who reside in post housing, align with O’Neill High School. O’Neill High School is part of the Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District. For families not residing in post housing, their children will align with the school/s in their respective district in which they reside. Other area school districts include; Cornwall Central School District, Washingtonville Central School District and Monroe Woodbury Central School District. For more information please call the West Point School Liaison Officer at 520-717-9761.
The School Liaison Officer (SLO) is available to coordinate and assist school-age children and youth of military parents with educational opportunities and information necessary to achieve academic success. The SLO works in partnership with local schools to help enhance the educational experience and to serve as a conduit of information. The SLO is committed to improving the military child’s school transition and experience while sustaining both positive relationships and open communication between the military and the school community. The school liaison office telephone number is 520-717-9761.
Eligibility: In order to register your child/children in West Point Schools, you are required to reside in post housing assigned on the United States Military Academy at West Point. If waiting for quarters, a letter from the Housing Office, West Point Family Homes (or its affiliate) indicating you will have quarters within 90 days is required. If the student is a ”guest‟, a letter from Housing, West Point Family Homes (or its affiliate) approving the request for the student to reside in quarters AND a copy of an official legal document from a court of competent jurisdiction indicating the person has been appointed a guardian for the child that is to be enrolled are required. To make sure this policy is enforced uniformly throughout DDESS, in every instance where a person seeks to enroll a child through the use of a guardianship, the DDESS district must contact the DDESS General Counsel’s Office for determination on the sufficiency of the guardianship. For all other students, if applicable, court documents indicating custody, i.e. divorced /separated parents are required.
Parents of students attending Department of Defense Activity (DoDEA) schools can register their children for school with the click of a button. DODEA has launched DoDEA Student Information System (DSIS) online registration with the aim of reducing manual forms and easing the registration process. This family portal is available to new students for the next school year at the beginning of each April.