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Army Housing Office
Bldg 695 Buckner Loop
West Point, NY 10996
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Housing options off post include apartments, condos, townhouses and single family homes. Furnished apartments are difficult to find. Most landlords require a one-year lease. It is extremely important that your lease contain a military clause allowing you to terminate your lease early should you deploy or receive permanent change of station orders. You may have the Army Housing Office (AHO) or Legal Assistance Office review your lease prior to signing it.
The AHO provides off-post housing assistance and referral to service members, their families and DOD civilian personnel. Military personnel must in-process through the AHO after signing in for duty and in-processing with Military Personnel Division. Soldiers may contact the AHO with any questions prior to signing a lease.
For information please call 845-938-2500 or visit the website.
Rental Options
Contact AHO for any problems you may encounter such as discrimination complaints, tenant/landlord disputes, or any questions or problems about off-post housing. All renters should carry renters insurance against fire, theft and other damages. The property owner’s insurance will cover the property but not the renter’s personal property.
Purchase Options
The cost of living for the area is extremely high. Local realtors can assist you in finding a suitable home to purchase.
Mobile Homes
West Point does not have a mobile home park.
On Aug. 1, 2008, on-post family housing transitioned to privatized operations under the Army’s Residential Communities Initiative program. West Point Family Homes (WPFH) is the West Point privatization partner. WPFH will perform all the traditional family housing functions: assignments, terminations, operations and maintenance. The Army Housing Office is responsible for project oversight and coordination between West Point Family Homes and the West Point Community.
The average waiting time for on-post housing is approximately 30-90 days. Call the West Point Family Homes office 845-446-6407 or visit the West Point Family Homes website for more information.
All military personnel assigned to West Point with accompanying legal dependents on a permanent basis are eligible for assignments to family housing. For other categories please see information on the West Point Family Homes website.
Application Procedures
All incoming military personnel must in-process first through the Housing Services Office after signing in for duty and in-processing with the Military Personnel Division for on-post or off-post housing. Personnel will then be referred to the appropriate office for the desired housing; West Point Family Homes Office for family housing on post. Visit https://www.homes.mil or https://www.ahrn.com for all off post housing.
Applications for on-post housing may be completed in person or through https://www.westpointfamilyhomes.com. After submitting a housing application, soldiers who wish to reside in on-post housing should contact West Point Family Homes on the date they sign out of their previous duty station to be placed on the wait list for West Point housing by calling 845-446-6407.
Off-Post Housing
Exceptional Family Member Housing
West Point housing is currently in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and has a total of 29 ADA adapted units. These consist of: (14) three-bedroom units, (14) four-bedrooms units, (1) five-bedroom unit. All 29 units have central air.
All soldiers, single or married are required to in-process with the Military Housing Office (MHO); Building 695 Buckner Loop, tel: 845-938-2500
Unaccompanied Officer (all ranks) or Senior Enlisted (E6-E9): There are no unaccompanied officer or senior enlisted quarters and a limited number of 2 Bedroom Apartments on-post. Soldiers in the grades of staff sergeants and above are authorized Basic Allowance for Housing at the without dependent rate. Though unaccompanied Soldiers are able to apply for on-post housing, due to the limited availability, they should plan on residing off-post, including those in Key and Essential positions.
Unaccompanied Service Members (E1-E5): Normally required to live in the unaccompanied permanent party barracks. Currently the active duty barracks are off-line until o/a September 2025 for renovation.
Once the CNA is approved and barracks “clear” form to start BAH is completed, the Soldier may apply for on-post housing or obtain off-post housing.
CNA process:
MHO provides BAH information 845-938-2500. Prior to signing a lease agreement, MHO will review your lease if desired . Ensure off-post rentals includes the Military Clause Addendum
On-post housing
Submit applications to:
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
West Point has undergone the transformation to privatization of on-post family housing through the Residential Communities Initiative, or RCI. West Point’s housing partner, West Point Family Homes, is committed to improving the quality of housing available on West Point through ongoing maintenance, renovation and recreational activities, among other programs.
All incoming military personnel must in-process first through the Army Housing Office (AHO) after signing in for duty and in-processing with the Military Personnel Division (MPD) for on-post, off-post housing. Personnel will then be referred to the appropriate office for the desired housing: West Point Family Homes for on-post family housing and https://www.westpointfamily homes.com or https://www.ahrn.com for off post.
On-post family housing transitioned to privatized operations under the West Point Family Homes. The average waiting time for on-post housing is approximately 30-90 days. Visit West Point Family Homes online or call 845-446-6407 for more information.