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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
Employment is an important issue for Military Families. The West Point Employment Readiness Program provides numerous resources to during job search and with pursuit of their career goals - particularly as they are impacted by the mobile lifestyle of the Military.
West Point Employment Readiness Program
A wide variety of services and resources are available including:
For more information about employment on and around West Point, please contact the ACS Employment Readiness Program at (845) 938-0232.
Employment in the area surrounding West Point is rather competitive. Professional positions are at a premium, with many jobs being service - or sales-oriented. Prospects for employment improve for those willing and able to commute more than thirty minutes from West Point. Many choose to commute to New York City, an option that will increase the number of potential employment sources; however, the commute has its negatives, including 60 minutes travel time each way and associated commuter costs.
Many spouses want to work at West Point. Most of the positions on post are federal (Appropriated Fund) or NAF (Non-appropriated Fund) positions. In most cases, it is a requirement to be a U.S.citizen to work for the US government. If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must have a green card to work for other employers including NAF.
There are a limited number of non-federal employment sources at West Point including the Thayer Hotel and the West Point Association of Graduates.
There are some non-federal employment opportunities at West Point. These include the Thayer Hotel, the Exchange, and the Association of Graduates.
County Employment Office
Additional employment information and assistance is also available through the Orange County Employment and Training Administration (ETA), which provides on-the-job training, re-employment assistance, useful websites and other information.
Employment Documentation
It is necessary to maintain employment records and documents for a successful job search. These key documents include:
Unemployment Benefits
The unemployment insurance program provides benefits to individuals who have sufficient employment to establish a claim, have lost employment through no fault of their own, are ready, willing and able to work and are actively seeking work.
Military Spouses may be eligible for unemployment if they had to quit a job to follow a military member on a PCS move. To determine eligibility, contact the New York State Department of Labor at 845-568-5373. A copy of the military members' PCS orders will be required. Note: Spouses may also be eligible for unemployment if they quit their jobs due to the retirement and relocation of their military sponsor.
Eligibility for benefits can only be determined once a claim has been filed and all of the required information has been obtained. Each claim is determined on a case-by-case basis. For more information please contact the New York State Department of Labor at 845-568-5373.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
The Transition Assistance Program for transitioning military personnel and their spouses, is available for assistance throughout the transition from military to civilian life. This office is located in Building 622.
TAP services are available for military personnel considering leaving the service, individuals who are separating or retiring, their spouses, select Department of the Army Civilians, veterans (up to 180 days after separation date) and Army retirees.
Early contact with the office will help you to make a smooth transition from the military to the civilian sector. Retirees may start the transition process two years prior to retirement. All others may start 18 months out. Appointments are required.
For more information, contact the West Point TAP office at 845-938-0634.
Military spouses may be eligible for unemployment if they had to quit a job to follow a military member on a PCS move. To determine eligibility, contact the New York State Department of Labor at 845-568-5373. A copy of the military member’s PCS orders will be required. Note that spouses may also be eligible for unemployment if they quit their jobs due to the retirement and relocation of their military sponsor.
Eligibility for benefits can only be determined once a claim has been filed and all of the required information has been obtained. Each claim is determined on a case-by-case basis. For more information, visit the New York State Department of Labor website or call 845-360-0340.
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is available to military personnel and their spouses and provides assistance throughout the transition from military to civilian life. This office is located in Building 622.
TAP services are available for military personnel considering leaving the service, individuals who are separating or retiring, their spouses, select Department of the Army civilians, veterans (up to 180 days after separation date) and Army retirees.
Early contact with the office will help you to make a smooth transition from the military to the civilian sector. Retirees may start the transition process two years prior to retirement. All others may start 18 months before the expected transition date. Appointments are required.
For more information, contact the West Point TAP Office at 845-938-0634.
Professional Development
Spouses who would prefer not to seek paid employment or are actively seeking employment may want to take advantage of some the following opportunities for professional development and experience.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is a great way to stay current in your field, gain new job skills and network while you seek paid employment. Volunteer experience can also augment your resume, as every hour of documented volunteer work equals one hour of paid work.
Build Your Skills
Contact the Army Education Center for the names of the local colleges that offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs on post.
Other local institutions are as follows:
Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance is offered by several agencies, including Army Emergency Relief, for those who wish to apply.
My Career Advancement Account
For information on MyCAA and Military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, visit Military OneSource.
My Career Advancement Application
Volunteering is a great way to stay current in your field, gain new job skills and network while you seek paid employment. Volunteer experience can also augment your resume, as every hour of documented volunteer work equals one hour of paid work. For more information, visit the Army Volunteer Corps website.
Contact the Army Education Center for the names of local colleges that offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs on post.
Employment in the local area surrounding West Point is extremely competitive. Prospects improve if you are willing and able to commute more than thirty minutes from West Point.
Release 2024.08.27.1