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Army Community Service (ACS)
2494 Ricker Road
Fort Bliss, TX 79916
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
The Military and Family Support Center is one part of a larger network of agencies, programs, services, partnerships and individuals that supports your personal and family readiness. The larger system called the Military Family Readiness System is a web of support for you and your family. The Military and Family Support Center should be one of your first stops once you arrive at a new installation. The programs and services they offer are a key resource for you and your family.
Military and Family Support Centers provide information, education and support programs to help balance the demands of military life. Offerings include:
Military and Family Support Centers may provide other programs such as the following:
Exceptional Family Member Program
Family Advocacy Program
New Parent Support Program
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Services may vary by location and installation. Use the Search tool to find contact information for your installation Military and Family Support Center. Just enter your installation name, Zip code or state.
Army Community Service is open to active-duty Service Members and Families of all branches of service. Army Reserve and National Guard Service members their Family members (that are under Title 10), Retirees and their Family members. Family members do not need to be accompanied by their sponsor when using ACS. DoD Civilians can participate in certain programs and services.
Services Provided:
Army Emergency Relief
AER’s mission is to provide emergency financial assistance in the form of interest free loans, grants, or a combination loan/grant, to Active-Duty Soldiers, Retirees, Survivors, and their Families when there is a valid need. AER provides commanders an asset in accomplishing their basic command responsibility for the morale and welfare of Soldiers when utilizing the Quick Assist Program. Program. Visit www.aerhq.org for information on scholarships available to eligible spouses and dependent children. For AER assistance after hours, call the American Red Cross at 877-272-7337.
To learn more about AER or to apply for AER please contact or visit us at: 915-568-4706, 2494 Ricker Rd.
Army Family Action Plan
Is a program for Soldiers, Families, civilian employees, and retirees to identify quality of life issues and propose recommendations for improvement of policies and programs which affect the well-being of the military community. In the history of AFAP, 123 changes have been made to legislation, 172 policies and regulations have been revised, and 192 programs and services have been improved at the Department of the Army level.
To learn more about AFAP or to submit an issue please contact or visit us at: 915-569-5577, Bldg. 250 Club Road.www.bliss.armymwr.com
Army Family Team Building
Offers free training/education to Family members on military lifestyle and resources needed to live a successful military lifestyle. Trainings cover topics to include basic military information, personal growth, and leadership skills. Classes can increase military knowledge and be applied to resume and career building, enhance self-development, and foster leadership skills.
To learn more about AFTB please contact or visit us at: 915-569-5577, Bldg. 250 Club Road. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Army Volunteer Corps
The Fort Bliss Army Volunteer Corps office is the center for volunteer recruitment, referral, recognition, and professional development for volunteers and volunteer leaders. Volunteers can be placed in a wide variety of positions throughout the installation and within the El Paso community. Through volunteer service, volunteers can learn or improve skills and gain work experience that can increase self-confidence and improve marketability for paid positions.
To learn more about AVC please contact or visit us at: 915-569-5577, Bldg. 250 Club Road. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Mobilization and Deployment
Is the primary contact for mandatory trainings and briefings on Pre-deployment, CARE Team, Reintegration, Rear Detachment, Soldier Family Readiness Group (SFRG), Command Family Readiness Representative available to Soldiers and Family members. The Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) provides referrals to agencies that assist Soldiers and their Families during emergencies.
To learn more about MOB/DEP please contact or visit us at: 915-569-5500, Bldg. 250 Club Road. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Employment Readiness Program
Provides and assist Family members in finding employment in the Fort Bliss/El Paso area by offering Job Referrals, Federal and other resume writing assistance, hiring fairs, networking opportunities among potential employers and information on local employment market and education opportunities.
To learn more about ERP please contact or visit us at: 915-569-5838, 2494 Ricker Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Provides education, respite care, support, advocacy, as well as information and referral for family’s members who are enrolled in EFMP. An EFMP family member is military dependent with a medically diagnosed physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual special need that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training, or counseling. The program is to ensure medical and educational needs are accessible and appropriate for the family member.
To learn more about EFMP please contact or visit us at: 915-569-4227, 2494 Ricker Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
The program promotes individual, couple, and family wellness by offering a comprehensive program that includes awareness, education, and support to prevent family violence. Services offered include community education and awareness, primary prevention efforts so support parenting and Family communications, crisis prevention, emergency shelter, and counseling. Classes are offered to commanders, troops, professionals, families, and the community. Prevention and support services include:
New Parent Support Program-Child Safety Education, home visitations services, weekly playgroups and Baby Boot Camp.
FAP Workshops: Scream, Free Marriage, Scream Free Parenting, Couples Communication/Pre-Marital Education Program, Stress/Anger Management and Coping with Divorce.
To learn more about FAP or to register for a class please contact or visit us at: 915-568-9129, 2494 Ricker Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Financial Readiness Program
FRP offers education, counseling, and resources to assist Soldiers and their Families with their financial matters from building wealth to reducing debt. Services offered include, financial classes/unit trainings, education on Thrift Savings Plan, New Blended Retirement System, Personal Financial Coaching, Budget Counseling, Credit Report Review and Consumer Affairs-Consumer Complaint Resolution.
To learn more about FRP or to register for a class please contact or visit us at: 915-569-8376, 2494 Ricker Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Information and Referral Services
Serves as the central point of distribution for ACS information, flyers, brochures and Fort Bliss upcoming events and activities. ACS as a whole provides on-site and community-based assistance and referrals as needed. Services offered include: Computer lab with printing capabilities and outgoing faxing.
To learn more about IRR please contact or visit us at: 915-569-4227, 2494 Ricker Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Relocation Readiness Program
Provides a comprehensive program to assist Service Members, Families and/or DoD civilians with resources to prepare and manage the stress related issues encountered during a military move. Resources offered include: Lending Closet, Pre and Post move Relocation Counseling, Welcome & Relocation Packets, Newcomers Orientation, Multi-Cultural Outreach and Hearts Apart Program.
To learn more about RRP please contact or visit us at: 915-569-4227, 2494 Ricker Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program
When an individual experiences sexual harassment or sexual assault, actions and services are provided to resolve and/or investigate cases expeditiously. Additionally, for the Fort Bliss community, appropriate measures are implemented that ensure the rights of the victim are not violated and that a victim is treated with dignity and respect.
The Fort Bliss Garrison SHARP Program provides education and prevention training for the military and civilian communities, and advocacy services for those impacted by sexual harassment and sexual assault.
To learn more about SHARP please contact or visit us at: 915-569-5393, 248 Club Rd www.bliss.armymwr.com
The Garrison 24/7 SHARP hotline is 915-781-8770.
Soldier and Family Assistance Center
Provides comprehensive services for Soldiers assigned or attached to the Soldier Recovery Unit and their families. A “one-stop shop” environment is created to support a variety of needs and situations that may arise during the transition back to a unit or civilian life. To learn more about SFAC please contact or visit us at: 915-569-5577, 250 Club Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Survivor Outreach Services
Assist Survivors with unresolved issues surrounding the loss of their service member by providing specific support and services. The mission of SOS is to embrace and reassure Survivors that they are continually linked to the Army Family through a unified support program that enables them to remain an important part of the Army Family for as long as they desire.
To learn more about SOS please contact or visit us at: 915-569-7745, 915-568-5970, 915-568-2672, 241 Sheridan Rd. www.bliss.armymwr.com
Victim Advocacy
Victim advocates provide clear, accurate information on the available avenues for reporting domestic abuse. Victim advocates provide essential support, liaison services and care to the victim. Responsibilities include providing crisis intervention, referral, and ongoing non-clinical support, including information on available options and resources to assist the victim in making informed decisions about the case. Victim advocate services will continue until the victim states support is no longer needed.
The 24/7 domestic violence hotline is 915-269-2013.