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Housing Management Office
Bldg. 34, Constitution Ave.
Fort Buchanan, PR 00934-4614
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Las Colinas Housing area consists of 29, 2-3-4-bedroom units. The normal waiting period is up to 12 months for most units on Fort Buchanan. The waiting time for a 4-bedroom unit can take up to two (2) years, as there are only two (2) units in inventory. While pending assignment of government-housing temporary lodging allowance (TLA) can be extended past the sixty (60) days.
Nested amongst foliage and trees; Las Colinas Housing is within walking distance to on post schools. Housing construction is 100% concrete with flat roofs that are suited for storms and hurricanes. Windows are glass louvers that can open fully to allow the breeze to come in. Maintenance and repairs are conducted by the Operations and Maintenance Division utilizing the ArMa web-based application.
Government housing comes with central air-conditioning, refrigerator, electric range, dryer, washer, auxiliary generator, and solar water heater. Unit also comes with an exterior storage shed. Housing in the local community very rarely includes these appliances or central air-conditioning. Utilities are never included in a lease contract.
Fort Buchanan Army Family Housing Office is in Building 34 on Constitution Avenue. They can be reached by calling 787-707-3153/3367/3256 or DSN 312 740-3256/3367/3256.
Housing Referral Office-(HRO) -- The HRO provides orientation and assistance to Service members, DoD personnel and their Family members locate acceptable, affordable housing in the local community. Also, it is your point of contact (POC) for any problems you may encounter (discrimination complaints, tenant/landlord disputes, or any questions/problems) about off-post housing.
Staff are available to assist you on a person-to-person basis in any way possible to make your move to this installation an easy and pleasant one. They can provide a list of rentals with corresponding locator maps and give you information regarding the area in which the facilities are located.
To maximize off-post housing support in meeting needs, the installation HRO offers as a minimum the following services:
Unaccompanied Housing and Transient Barracks are not available at Fort Buchanan.
Government housing is not available for dependents whose sponsors are not assigned to Puerto Rico.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
Fort Buchanan Army Family Housing Office is in Building 34 on Constitution Avenue. They can be reached by calling 787-707-3153/33367/3256 or DSN 312-740-3256/3367/3256.
Permanent Change of Station (PCS)
Prior to departing from your losing station, you must report to your Military Personnel Division (MPD) to request concurrent or deferred travel of dependents to Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico. The MPD will contact Fort Buchanan Family Housing Office to request a Family Travel Message. Required documentation for Family Travel request is:
In processing steps check-in:
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)
TLA is authorized upon initial arrival (reporting for duty). You are required to check into your command to begin entitlement. TLA is not reimbursable if you are on ordinary leave. TLA will be submitted in (10) night increments.
Thirty (30) days of TLA are authorized unless SM is pending assignment of Government Housing. Sixty (60) days TLA are authorized if purchasing a home. There are no extensions after the 60-days. TLA is driven by aggressively seeking housing. It will be validated through a Housing Referral Record that will be provided upon your in-processing or receipt of your first TLA whichever comes first. Be advised if you are not aggressively seeking off-post housing, TLA will be discontinued.
Note: TLA and OHA entitlements cannot overlap.
Required documents are:
Resort fees, parking, personal purchases, and surcharges are not covered under the JTR. Please email roomtaxpr@tourism.pr.gov for further guidance on how to request Tax Exemption before processing TLA.
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Off Post. The OHA program provides Uniformed Service Members assigned to a location outside of the Continental United States (OCONUS), an allowance to defray housing costs when residing off-post. The following documents are required: