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School Liaison
2702 Michigan Avenue
Soldier Support Center
Fort Campbell, KY 42223
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Local Schools
Education Overview
Predominantly three school systems or three school districts serve the Fort Campbell/Kentucky area:
Department of Defense Education Activity Phone: 270-439- 1927.
Website https://www.dodea.edu/Americas/southeast/fortCampbell/index.cfm
For School year 2024-2025, there are a total of 6 schools: 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school, and 1 high school located on the Fort Campbell installation.
Kentucky/Hopkinsville/Oak Grove - Christian County School Systems. (Off Post) Phone: 270- 887-7000. Website http://www.christian.kyschools.us/
Tennessee - Clarksville Montgomery County School System. (Off Post) Phone: 931-648-5600. Website https://www.cmcss.net/
Kentucky/Hopkinsville/Oak Grove - Christian County School Systems.
There are eight elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools in Christian County School Systems, grades K-12.
Bus transportation is provided free of charge during school hours Monday to Friday. Free or reduced lunch program are available district wide.
School Age Services Program is not provided by the Christian County School System. School Age Services is provided privately through several childcare facilities within the area. Several sports are available for students to participate in: soccer, football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, golf, tennis, wrestling, cheerleading, track & field, dance, and baseball.
The Kentucky Department of Education Division of Exceptional Children, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights law that ensures that students with disabilities have access to public education programs. Programs such as speech and language therapy, occupational & physical therapy, vision and hearing impaired, gifted and talented student and English as a second language classes are offered in the school system.
Test Scores -- For information on district standardized test scores, go to the Christian County School website http://www.christian.kyschools.us/ and click on ‘District Report Card'.
In addition to the traditional grades K-12 educational settings, programs are offered at a career & technical center, a day treatment center, an alternative school, an optional high school, an adult education center and Hopkinsville Community college. Refer to the "Advanced Education" Topic in this category for detail information.
Tennessee - Clarksville Montgomery County School System (CMCSS)
CMCSS is the seventh largest district in Tennessee, and according to U.S. Census figures in the top five fastest growing cities in the country.
There are 45 schools in the district: one K-5 Magnet School, 24 elementary, 8 middle, 7 high, an Alternative School, K-12 Virtual School, Adult High School, Early Technical College (for High Schoolers) which is located on the campus of Tennessee College of Applied Technology and one Middle College, which is located on the campus of Austin Peay State University. CMCSS also offers eight specialized, interest-driven college and career academies within our high schools.
College and career academies are schools within a school aligned to a specific career theme. They are college and career preparatory small learning communities in which a select group of students focus their core class experience on a common career interest. Students share many of the same teachers, allowing educators to collaborate with each other in the coordination of lesson planning and classroom activities that align to the academy theme. See list below:
The Montgomery County School System is approved by the State Board of Education and are accredited by the Southern Association of colleges and schools. GGrading system scale is 90-100 (A), 80-89 (B), 70-79 (C), 60-69 (D) 59 and below (F).
Bus transportation is provided free of charge during school hours Monday to Friday. Free or reduced lunch program is also available with the school system and is based on total Family income.
Student can participate in Art Club, Band, Beta Club, Big Boys and Girls, Broadcasting, Drama, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Teachers of America, Newspaper, Key Club, Spanish Club, Music, Choral Program, Arts, Physical Education, Soccer, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Baseball, Cheerleading, Cross country, Tennis, Wrestling and JROTC program.
Magnet Schools
Magnet schools are schools of choice. Parents apply to enroll their children (K-5th grade) in magnet schools in order to take advantage of that school's specialized method of teaching or curriculum. Clarksville Montgomery County School System (CMCSS) is proud to offer the first magnet school in their school system. Moore Magnet School is a school where math, science and technology are incorporated into every discipline, from reading and writing to social studies.
Middle College
Middle College is a unique collaborative program between Clarksville-Montgomery County School System and Austin Peay State University that enables junior and senior high school students throughout the district to obtain a quality high school education while concurrently receiving direct and invaluable access to college courses. Yet, it is distinctive from other programs for students have the option of not only pursuing university credits but career technical credits as well. Middle College at Austin Peay State University is the integration of high school, college and career training all set on a university campus.
K-12 Virtual School
A full-time school of choice, offering parents and students a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth-grade virtual instruction program that can be accessed from the student's home. It is the district’s only K-12, full-time, virtual instructional program. The school year follows the CMCSS district calendar. As a school of choice, it provides students with an opportunity to learn through an interactive platform as well as live instruction through state-certified CMCSS teachers. CMCSS K-12 Virtual does not offer a summer school program; however, credit recovery opportunities will be provided for students in the summer. Students who are enrolled in CMCSS K-12 Virtual are subject to all State of Tennessee and School Board policies governing promotion, retention, and graduation.
Fort Campbell Department of Defense Education Activity
Private and alternative (home schooling) is available in the area. Contact the school liaison for further information at 270-798-9874.
All the 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school and 1 high school on Fort Campbell are located on the installation. Each school is accredited by the Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Education and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The schools serve approximately 3,250 students in six schools which are staffed by approximately 375 teachers.
Pre-school programs are voluntary, and available in each of the elementary schools. Kindergarten is full day. Children must be age five by September 1st to enter kindergarten. Pre-school program is also available on post. Children must be age four by September 1st. All students must be in compliance with dress code throughout the school day. Contact the School System or district website for specific information on dress code.
Entrance Requirements
DoDEA has changed its Early Childhood Education programs entrance requirements for all DoD Schools. Age requirement are:
Pre-Kindergarten Programs, a child must be 4 years of age by September 1
Kindergarten Programs, a child must be 5 years of age by September 1
First Grade, a child must be 6 years of age by September 1
If you have any questions contact DoDEA at 270-439-1927.
DoDEA serves only those students residing in government quarters. Pre- school programs are voluntary and available in each of the elementary schools. Children must be four before September 1st to enter Pre-school, and five before September 1st to enter kindergarten. Kindergarten is full-day.
Standardized test scores for Fort Campbell Schools are available through the DODEA data website.
School Calendar for SY 23-24
First day of school for Fort Campbell: Please check school website
Kentucky/Hopkinsville/Oak Grove: Please check school website
Tennessee - Clarksville Montgomery County School System: Please check school website
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is available to students that live more than one mile from their assigned school, and special education children requiring transportation regardless of distance to school. Students who live off post whose sponsor is scheduled to move on post within 90 school days may register and attend on post, but their transport is the Family's responsibility.
Lunch Program
Free or reduced lunch program is also available at school and is based on total Family income.
Before and After School Programs
Before and after school program for children in grades kindergarten through 5th grade, operates from 5:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (before school care) 3 to 6 p.m. (after school care) by the Child and Youth Services (CYS). The program provides breakfast and after school snacks. Activities consist of recreational sports, physical fitness, field trip, homework assistance, and a computer lab. Full care will be offered on school closing days and the summer program. All users must have current enrollment in CYSS.
School Age Center (SACs)
Airborne School Age Center 1231 Airborne Street Fort Campbell, KY 42223 (270)461-1042/1047
Gate 10 School Age Center 7402 McAuliffe Loop Fort Campbell, KY 42223 (270)461-0641/0642
Fort Campbell High School is rich in tradition with over 30 State Championships earned throughout its history. The school value sportsmanship and their athletic staff uphold ethical and moral standards and demand the same from their student-athletes. Students can participate in the following sporting events:
Special Needs
The school system provides programs for special needs students (ages 3-21); speech and language therapy, counseling services, occupational & physical therapy, vision and hearing impaired, gifted and talented students. Extended School Year (ESY) - Special education services are available beyond the academic year for students who meet the criteria for participation. For children below the age of 3 years; Educational Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) provides programs that will assist in achieving their important developmental milestone.
Dress Code
There is a dress code for all schools on Fort Campbell, refer to their webpage for specific information.
Test Scores
Information on district standardized test scores may be found at the Fort Campbell DoDea website, and click on ‘Standardized Test Results'.
The Clarksville-Montgomery County Schools Adult Education Program will Educate, Empower, and Enable ALL students to become contributing citizens who can succeed in an ever-changing world. We are committed to focusing on high expectations, individual academic success, and preparing adults to become college and career ready.
The Clarksville Montgomery Adult Education Services is located at 207 Oak Street in Clarksville, TN and consists of the adult basic education programs such as obtaining a high school equivalency diploma (aka GED), learning English as a second language, improving reading skills, and pursue Citizenship. Adult Literacy is for individuals who need to improve their skills in reading, math, and writing. For more information contact the Clarksville-Montgomery County Adult Education Program at 931-542-2467.
The Hopkinsville Community College Adult Education Program provides ESL, College Readiness and GED services to those in and around the Oak Grove, Kentucky area. You will find us located in the Oak Grove Community Center, 1705 Thompsonville Lane, Oak Grove, KY 42262. To sign up for our next orientation, call Academic Foundation at 270-707-3925.