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Transportation Division for Personal Property (Outbound)
2702 Michigan Ave (Soldier Support Center)
Fort Campbell, KY 42223
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A PCS or military move can be a challenge, especially if you have a lot of stuff. Breaking down your to-dos into more manageable pieces often helps. Here, you’ll find out how to handle household goods, manage your pet and guidelines on the shipping process.
Your installation household goods/transportation office can provide assistance with understanding your entitlements and shipping your personal property. For information on shipping your vehicle, check out the Personal Property Resources page on MilitaryOneSource.mil, or visit the PCSmyPOV website.
To help customers access moving resources more easily, Move.mil has moved to the Military OneSource website. Now, moving resources from the Defense Personal Property Program and Military OneSource are available on the Military OneSource website.
Visit the Moving Your Personal Property page on MilitaryOneSource.mil for comprehensive moving information, resources and services. Access content from the former Move.mil website, including moving guides and tips, videos and FAQs, entitlement brochures, household goods shipment logistics, DPS log in and more. There are also links for retiring and separating members, specific service branch information and comprehensive relocation assistance.
As soon as you receive your permanent change of station orders, it’s important to begin scheduling your move. The Defense Personal Property System, or DPS, is the online system you can use to request and manage your household goods shipment(s). For more information and a DPS log in link, visit the Moving Your Personal Property page on MilitaryOneSource.mil.
Read Preparing for Your PCS Move to learn more about coordinating your shipment and review the Personal Property Quick Reference Guide for actions you can take to ensure a smooth move.
Learn more about Your OCONUS Move: Planning, Resources and Tips. Begin to plan what items will go in unaccompanied baggage, in your household goods shipment and in long-term, Non-Temporary Storage, or NTS, storage – check with your sponsor or overseas housing office to assist in determining what items to ship.
Moving with your pet includes researching airline requirements and quarantine restriction laws in your new location. Many airlines have requirements for size, weight, breed, number of animals, kennel construction, documentation and seasonal limitations. Small pets may be shipped on military flights, but availability and regulations frequently change. Contact your installation household goods/transportation office to request specific country instructions. Military OneSource can make your move easier with helpful tips, resources and hands-on information related to moving with pets and more.
Transportation of Household Goods - Other
Fort Campbell Installation Transportation Personal Property Office2702 Michigan Avenue (Soldier Support Center)Phone: 270-798-7151Hours of Operation: 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 12 to 3:30 p.m. (Closed for lunch 11:30-12 p.m.)
The Fort Campbell Installation Transportation Personal Property Office provides comprehensive personal property services, to include entitlement and shipment counseling and assistance. Fort Campbell Personal Property Office assists in all personal property counseling functions to those coming (PCSing) to Fort Campbell and leaving Fort Campbell. All Fort Campbell shipment bookings and storage management (both short and long term) are handled by Ft. Belvoir, VA. Contact the Ft. Belvoir call center at 1-800-521-9959 or by using the chat feature available on the My Army PCS app. The Defense Personal Property System is the online system you will use to manage your household goods shipment.
If you are an advanced individual training soldier, and need information on shipping your household goods to Fort Campbell, contact the Military Installation Transportation Office nearest to the pickup location of your property for assistance on moving your household goods to Fort Campbell. Review the U.S. Transportation Command booklet, DPS & Defense Personal Property Program • Military OneSource for detailed information on weight allowances, the household goods shipping process, personal procured moves, storage, automobile shipments, claims processes and the customer satisfaction survey. In order to have property moved from your Home of Record, you will need to provide a copy of your 4/1 from your enlistment packet and a copy of your orders. A DOD mandated briefing will need to be attended before movement of household goods start. You may attend this briefing at either your origin shipping office or Fort Campbell’s personal property office if you have already arrived.
If you are leaving Fort Campbell on PCS status and Fort Campbell is your first duty station, you will need to provide a copy of your orders. First time and last time movers are required to attend a DOD mandated briefing. These briefings are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis with your orders at the personal property office. It is very important you contact the personal property office first before you proceed to do a Personally Procured Move.
As soon as you have orders in hand bring them to the personal property office. Do not wait for clearing papers or leave approval. You will be advised at the personal property office as to what the next step will be. No shipment will be booked without orders and signed DD1299 & DD1797. (Signed documents are not necessary for PPM moves requested.) Failure to provide personal property with your orders and signed documents upon receipt may result in delays in scheduling your pickup and/or PPM advance request. When choosing a date you would like your property picked up, be as flexible as possible. Although every effort will be made to obtain the dates you request, remember there are other factors that come into play. Factors include: how much advanced notice we have as well as carrier availability especially during peak season, which is usually between May-August. DOD has moved to a seven day pickup spread window. When selecting your pickup dates, you will need to provide a seven consecutive day window for pickup. Pack dates will be adjusted based on the actual pickup date. Your dates are not finalized until you have confirmed them with your transportation service provider directly.
Personally procured move, also known as do it yourself move, allows you to be reimbursed by the government for moving your personal belongings yourself. PPM’s allow for a more flexible move option.
Any soldier regardless of rank, arriving and departing Fort Campbell can do a PPM. However, the transportation office must provide counseling and prior approval for a PPM move. Failing to comply with service requirements of the program may limit payment or result in complete denial of your claim.
When you arrive at Fort Campbell and if you did a PPM, submit your packet to the transportation office located at 2702 Michigan Avenue (Soldier Support Center), Monday-Thursday at 10 a.m., 1p.m. and 2:30 p.m. You must arrive prior to specific times in order to be seen at the start of each briefing.
You must have completed copies of paperwork, plus originals required at turn in. Carbon copies are not acceptable to use as a copy. Detailed turn in instructions will be include in your packet received at Kalsu 20th Replacement. If you have questions, please contact transportation at 270-798-7151.
US Army Center for Personnel Claims
The US Army Center for Personnel Claims is located at Fort Knox, KY. You must initiate and submit your claim online at https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-housing/moving/moving-resources/#personal-property-and-claims within 180 days from delivery. If you have problems with this site, email the Center for Personnel Claims at Fort Knox Field Claims Office :: U.S. Army Fort Knox: Gold Standard Army Installation or call 502-626-3000.
Transportation - Passenger Travel
The Fort Campbell Passenger Travel section located on 2702 Michigan Ave, Soldier Support Center can be contacted at 270-412-6972 or 270-798-7151.
They provide the following services:
Passenger Travel serves as agents of the Installation Transportation Officer in the management of travel services, travel contracts and Centrally Billed Accounts. Flights are scheduled based on report window, availability date and date requested. Several OCONUS duty stations require the use of Air Mobility Command Patriot Express for the OCONUS portion of travel. Please ensure that you visit the Passenger Travel section as soon as you receive your orders because sometimes flights are limited. Visit amc.af.mil and Moving with Pets.
The Fort Campbell Passenger Travel can issue family members airline tickets if they don’t have a privately owned vehicle to drive to Fort Campbell, however, it must be stated on the service member's permanent change of station orders. For more information, contact Passenger Travel at 270-412-6972 or 270-798-7151.
The Fort Campbell Passenger Travel section is located at the Soldier Support Center at 2702 Michigan Avenue across the Post Exchange. Their hours of operation are:
Transportation of Pets
Pet travel is limited, at the traveler’s expense and not guaranteed. There are no travel entitlements for pet transportation or pet preparation for travel. Pet travel reservations for dogs and cats on AMC Patriot Express flights to certain overseas locations are limited and requested as a courtesy on a first come, first serve basis. There are fees associated with this transportation that are at the traveler’s expense. All other pet transportation are the traveler’s expense and responsibility to arrange. Pet owners are responsible for all pet transportation requirements such as documentation, immunization, country pet entry requirements and should personally confirm all pet travel arrangements. Only passengers with Command Sponsor status are authorized to transport pets in conjunction with their official travel.
Effective January 1, 2024, Service Member’s on PCS, separation, or retirement order are eligible for reimbursement of pet expenses, including shipping fees, hotel service fees, mandatory microchipping, boarding fees, and licensing fees. Expenses on a CONUS move are limited to the actual cost of all expenses up to $550 for ONE pet (dog or cat). Expenses on an OCONUS move are limited to the actual cost of all expenses up to $2,000 for ONE pet (dog or cat). To obtain this reimbursement, it must be authorized in your orders and have itemized receipts. If more than one pet, ensure you receive a receipt with ONLY the one pets cost. Reimbursements are processed through the destination finance via SmartVoucher. This allowance is not retroactive.
Moving with your pet includes researching airline requirements and quarantine restriction laws in your new location. Many airlines have requirements for size, weight, breed, number of animals, kennel construction, documentation and seasonal limitations. Small pets in cabin and large pets in cargo may be transported in conjunction with official travel on military flights, but availability is limited and regulations are always changing. Many international locations have strict importation laws including extended quarantines and restrictions on breeds or types of animals. Carefully research these rules as they could impact your moving schedule. You may also find some locations in the United States that have restrictions on certain animals and breeds. Contact the Fort Campbell Veterinary Clinic on post at 270-798-4844/3614 for assistance with vaccinations, microchipping, health certificates and preparations for permanent change of station.
Release 2024.08.27.1