LaPointe Soldier Centered Medical Home
5979 Desert Storm Ave. (Next to Soldiers Chapel)
Fort Campbell, KY 42223
COMM phone number for Fort Campbell LaPointe Soldier Centered Medical Home270-798-4677
DSN phone number for Fort Campbell LaPointe Soldier Centered Medical Home312-635-4677
WEBSITEWebsite: Appointment Line: 270-798-4677; 931-431-4677 or on
In addition to making appointments using the Appointment Line and TRICARE Online, you may also use Army Secure Messaging Services to request an appointment. If you are not a registered user with Army Secure Messaging Services, please ask your medic to help you register. Soldiers can also use to make an appointment.
Sick Call Services are conducted at the unit level, Soldiers should report to their assigned medical personnel in accordance with their unit standard operating procedures.
LaPointe Army Medical Home provides quality health care to Soldiers in a Soldier-Centered Medical Home care environment who are assigned to 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigade Combat Teams with care teams named after their brigade Team Bastogne, Team Strike and Team Rakkasans. The SCMH mission is to improve and enhance individual and unit medical readiness by utilizing a multi-disciplinary health care team approach. This consists of primary care, behavioral health, clinical pharmacy, physical therapy, immunization, radiology and laboratory. This model operates in a proven model of integrated, comprehensive, and proactive care.