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Air Force
Youth Center
1102 Pershing Avenue
Fort Eustis, VA 23604
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
Youth seeking employment information are eligible to use the Army Community Service (ACS) Employment Readiness Program. Seasonal workshops are held along with job search information and resume writing workshops. For more information contact the Employment Readiness Program at 757-878-3638.
Youth seeking employment information are eligible to use the Military & Family Readiness Employment Assistance Program. The M&FRC provides comprehensive services to ensure all Department of Air Force members and their dependents are equipped with adequate knowledge and assistance to aid in their job search. Services include workshops and individual consultation on career planning, assessments, and personal career development, resume writing, interviewing skills, networking, salary negotiation, personal branding, and all other phases of the job search process. For more information contact the M&FRC at 757-764-3990.
Each installation operates their own Youth Programs. Go to the JBLE Force Support website and choose either Langley or Ft Eustis to learn more about the different programs offered. Click on the "Family" tab.
Langley Youth Programs: 757-225-2605/2606,
Fort Eustis Youth Programs: 757-878-2662, Fort Eustis Youth Programs Website
Langley Youth Programs:
Bowling is offered to youth, ages 6-18. For more information call the Bowling Center at 757-764-2433. Hapkido is offered to youth, ages 5-18. For more information call the Community Commons at 757-764-2983. Swimming is offered to youth, ages 3-18. Outdoor Recreation at 757-764-7170.
Youth of the Year Program is designed to recognize outstanding Youth and promote service to Club and community, academic performance, and contributions to family and spiritual life. Each year a 13- to 18-year-old eligible member of Youth Programs is selected as the "Youth of the Year" based on their character, leadership, and service qualities. Upon winning this great distinction, winners can advance through the state, regional, and national levels where they could meet our state's governor and/or the President of the United States. Applications are typically due mid-February.
is a small group program designed to help teens become more productive citizens and leaders. It is a unique character development experience that gives young people ages 14 - 18 the opportunity to contribute something of value to others and to have a voice in how that contribution is made.
Torch Club is a chartered small-group leadership and service club for boys and girls ages 11-13. The Torch Club is a powerful program through which Club staff can help meet the special needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their development. Torch Club members learn to elect officers and work together to plan and implement activities in four areas: service to Club and community, education, health and fitness and social recreation.
Power Hour is a program through which our staff helps club members ages 6-18 become more successful in school by providing homework help and tutoring while encouraging members to become self-directed learners. Our staff offers help to members in a structured, safe, quiet, allocated environment where all Club members can develop the daily habit of completing homework and preparing for class while being supported by staff and volunteer encouragement on a daily basis. Staff will utilize enrichment pages and educational software to provide supplemental work for members in a particular academic area.
Career Launch is a program that helps teens prepare for the working world, explore career options and their educational/training requirements, and assists them in making sound decisions about their education through engaging, interactive sessions and activities.
Club Tech is a computer-based program that helps participants ages 6-18 become tech savvy while exploring the Boys and Girls club of America core programs of character and leadership development, education and career development, health and life skills, the arts, and sports, fitness, and recreation.
Passport To Manhood is a program that promotes and teaches responsibility and reinforces positive behavior in male Club members ages 11-14. The program consists of 14 small-group sessions, each of which concentrates on a specific aspect of manhood through highly interactive activities.
Smart Girls Club is a health, fitness, prevention/education, and self-esteem enhancement program for girls ages 9-14. The program is designed to encourage healthy attitudes and lifestyles that will enable adolescent/teen girls to develop to their full potential.
Smart Moves is a nationally acclaimed comprehensive prevention program that helps young people resist alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and avoid premature sexual activity. The program features interactive, small-group activities designed to increase participants' peer support, enhance life skills, build resiliency, and strengthen leadership skills. This year-round program uses age-specific modules that engage Club staff, parents, community members and older teen members in a team approach to prevention.
SMART Kids, ages 6-9, focuses on building self-esteem, positive social skills to avoid drugs and other harmful influences.
Start SMART, ages 10-12, presents information and skills needed to resist pressures to get involved in alcohol, tobacco and other drugs or sexual activity. Group members analyze influences from the media and from peers; they also practice resisting peer pressure. Stay SMART, ages 13-15, provides information about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and sexuality and helps teenagers develop skills to make healthy choices. Teens practice problem solving and decision making, stress reduction techniques and strategies to resist peer and media pressures.
4-H Program is the youth development education program of the Virginia Cooperative Extension, provided to youth ages 6-18 to assist youth in acquiring the knowledge, life skills, and attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, contributing, and productive members of society. The central theme of 4-H education is "learn by doing".
BGCA Fine Arts Exhibit Program is a program for ages 6-18 that encourages artistic expression among Club members through drawing, painting, print making, collage, mixed media and sculpture displayed at local and regional exhibits. A panel of distinguished judges selects works for inclusion in the National Fine Arts Exhibit, which debuts at B&GCA's annual National Conference and is displayed throughout the year at other B&GCA events. This program is combined with our weekly drawing class and Imagemakers Program to form our Fine Arts Club.
ImageMakers is a year-round program and annual contest, both sponsored by Circuit City Foundation which encourages boys and girls ages 6-18 to learn and practice black and white, color and digital process photography. The program encourages youth at all skill levels to learn and practice various photography methods. The goal of the program is to teach the use of photography as an art and a vocation. Each year there is a photography contest with submissions typically due in March. The ImageMakers National Photography Contest provides local, regional and national recognition.
BGCA Triple Play Leadership Club is implemented to support youths' health, fitness, and leadership development. Staff encourage members to become more knowledgeable about healthy eating habits and encourage physical activity. Staff help strengthen character and reinforce positive behavior through social recreation activities.
Photography Program. The National Photography Program is designed to help Club members go beyond taking simple snapshots and develop the skills to produce photographs that can really impact a viewer. Popular and accessible, photography is a useful hook to engage young people of all ages, particularly middle and high school youth, in creative programming that simultaneously teaches them skills they will use for the rest of their lives. For more information about our photography club please contact Bethel Youth Programs at 225-2606.
UPS Road Code educates teens about safe driving techniques based on training UPS provides its own drivers, who are among the safest drivers worldwide. The program focuses on different safety principles, from basic instruction to the consequences of risky behaviors such as talking on cell phones, texting or drinking while driving. The programs state-of-the-art virtual driving simulation challenges teens’ safe driving knowledge by using virtual reality headsets featuring interactive animation, voice commands and a variety of driving environments.
Fort Eustis Youth Programs:
For Youth Sports Opportunities, see Fort Eustis Youth Sports
Keystone Club is a small group program designed to help teens become more productive citizens and leaders. It is a unique character development experience that gives young people ages 14 - 18 the opportunity to contribute something of value to others and to have a voice in how that contribution is made.
Torch Clubis a chartered small-group leadership and service club for boys and girls ages 11-13. The Torch Club is a powerful program through which Club staff can help meet the special needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their development. Torch Club members learn to elect officers and work together to plan and implement activities in four areas: service to Club and community, education, health and fitness and social recreation.
Power Hour is a program through which our staff helps club members ages 6-18 become more successful in school by providing homework help and tutoring while encouraging members to become self-directed learners. Our staff offers help to members in a structured, safe, quiet, allocated environment where all Club members can develop the daily habit of completing homework and preparing for class while being supported by staff and volunteer encouragement . Staff will utilize enrichment pages and educational software to provide supplemental work for members in a particular academic area.
Cooking Club: A club based of 4-H curriculum in which Youth and Teens will learn all aspects of cooking. They will gain skills such as converting measurements, planning, and proper use of cooking utensils.
4-H Health Rocks: A 10-week course that discusses drug abuse and how to avoid and deal with pressure from others. The first 5 weeks will consist of the forum, while the last 5 weeks will be used to create a video public service announcement about the discussed topics.
Langley Youth Services
Langley offers a comprehensive program of recreational activities for children ages 5 through 18. The Youth Center is in the housing area formerly known as Bethel Manor Housing complex. The Youth Center opened in 2010 and offers an environment your children will want to experience often. For up-to-date information on enrollment procedures and fees contact the Youth Center at 757-225-2606 or visit the youth sports website https://jbleforcesupport.com/langley/youth-sports.
Fort Eustis Youth Services
Youth Programs at Fort Eustis is on post and provides youth with several activities and recreation opportunities. Membership for the open recreation program is free to eligible members. A year-round youth sports program is provided and centered around team and individual events that promote good sportsmanship, camaraderie, self-esteem and fun, as well as the basic skills of each sport. Programs offered include Little League Baseball, Fast Pitch Softball, Spring and Fall Soccer, Basketball, Cheerleading, Flag Football, Running Club, Volleyball, H.I.I.T. program along with Pitch Hit and Run Competition, Punt Pass and Kick Competition and Basketball Camp. We support the youth sports philosophy of the National Alliance for Youth Sports. For policies pertaining to the Youth Programs Sports Program, please refer to the Youth Sports Information Package.
Start Smart development programs are offered for individuals 3 – 5 years old which consist of: basketball, cheerleading, soccer and baseball.
Training for adult volunteers is ongoing throughout the year for all sports offered. Each coach is certified through the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA). The NYSCA certification is recognized throughout the United States and overseas military installations. For more information, call 757-878-0833.
Fort Eustis Instructional Programs offers group instruction is swimming, dance, and gymnastics and individualized instruction in piano, keyboarding, and violin. Please contact the Youth Center at 757-878-2662 for enrollment and fee information.
For more information about Youth Sports on Fort Eustis, please visit Fort Eustis Youth Sports Programs.
For information to assist incoming youth at Ft. Eustis, please follow this link for the Youth Sponsorship Program or call 757-878-2662.
For information on youth sponsorship please contact Langley Youth Programs at 757-225-2606.
AF Services Space Camp
The US Space and Rocket Center, in Huntsville, Alabama, is the premier provider of authentic, inspiring, and entertaining educational experiences in space science and aviation. This program is open to family members of Active Duty military assigned to or living on an AFB, AF Retired Military, AF Civilian Employees, and active Air National Guard and AF Reserve members. Scholarships are available for youth ages 12-18. Attendees participate in a wide variety of physical activity, hands-on experiences, and classroom activities.
USAF 4-H Ultimate Outdoor & Fitness Adventure Camp
Air Force Services collaborates with 4-H through the USDA Military Partnership project to conduct teen summer adventure camp opportunities for youth family members of active duty military assigned to or living on an Air Force Base, AF retired military, AF civilian employees, and active air national guard and AF reserve members. Outdoor adventure leadership camps are held at the university of Arkansas Cooperative Extension 4-H Conference Center in Little Rock Arkansas. These camps are designed around an adventure theme and introduce campers to a wide variety of fitness and outdoor educational experiences that foster teamwork and teach life skills. If you like canoeing, hiking, swimming, rope courses and other outdoor activities, this camp is for you!
Teen Aviation Camp
AF Services Aviation Camp is an awesome opportunity for teens to have a glimpse of life at the Air Force Academy. Aviation Camp is offered annually the first week in June. Flying in a Cessna 145 is just one of the highlights at this camp. Participants are selected through a competitive application process. Only teens going into their freshman or sophomore year in high school may apply. The camp gives an insight into what life at the Academy is like, shows what the environment is like, what the facilities are like and what the opportunities are at the Academy. The Aviation Camp is a great camp experience for those who would like to explore the U.S. Air Force Academy as a possible choice for college.
Teen Leadership Camp
Teen Leadership camp is for teens aged 14-18 years . The goal of the camp is to build character, leadership, and resilience for young people. Participants will challenge themselves to try new experiences, build a support network of peers and adult advisors, and create a sense of community with other military teens.
Langley Special Events and Camps:
In addition to these featured programs, Youth Programs also offers several special events throughout the year. Some of those events are: Easter Egg Hunt, Pre-Teen Lock-In, Teen Lock-In, Missoula Children's Theater, Kid Fest, Armed Forces Kids Run, Fall Fest, Father Daughter Princess Ball, Fine Arts Exhibit, Photography Contest, Bowl by Mail, Read by Mail, One Page at a Time, Lights on After School, Kick Butts, Kids Fest, Mother & Son Masquerade Ball, Olympic Day, Toy Foundation Event, World Wide Day of Play, National Kids Day, Operation Holiday Cheer and Cookies For Cops Program.
Summer Camps are week-long specialty camps offered during the summer, i.e. America's Historic Triangle Camp, Team Building Camp, NASA Camp, Aim High Camp, Outdoor Adventure Camp, Water Week, Dance Week, Music Week, Missoula Children's Theatre, and at least one AF sponsored specialty camp is offered during the summer.
Fort Eustis Special Events:
In addition to these featured programs, Youth Programs also offers several special events throughout the year. Some of those events are: Pre-Teen Lock-In, Teen Lock-In, Armed Forces Kids Run, Fall Fest, Fine Arts Exhibit, Photography Contest, Lights on After School, Kids Fest, World Wide Day of Play, National Kids Day, Operation Holiday Cheer and Cookies For Cops Program.
The Youth Programs are vital to this post and give the young people a chance to enhance their spiritual lives as well. Youth Groups, Bible Studies and activities are offered. For more information please contact the Fort Eustis Regimental Memorial Chapel at 757-878-1450 or 757-878-1316.
Langley Chapel at 757-764-7847