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Air Force
LAFB Housing Management Office - Air Force
11 Burrell Street
Langley AFB, VA 23665
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Joint Base Langley-Eustis (Langley)
The Military Housing Office Is ready to support you in the transition to your new home and community. Use the resources provided to become familiar with the housing options and support services available to you.
When you arrive at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, you must visit the MHO to receive counseling and guidance before entering any written lease or rental/sales contract for housing. Visit the Air Force Housing website for more information.
Langley Family Housing is a Hunt Military Community located at 1798 First St. Call 757-920-7100.
Active-duty military personnel and their families authorized to live on the installation are target tenants for privatized housing.
Langley Family Housing’s Hunt Military Community owns the housing and is responsible for maintaining, repairing, constructing, and managing the community. In addition to your option to purchase and rent housing in the local community, you now may choose to live in privatized housing by signing a tenant lease agreement with Langley Family Housing. For comprehensive information about the privatized housing community at JBLE, visit the Langley Family Housing website, which provides information about the homes and amenities available in the privatized community.
On-off base privatized housing is available to all grades; however, waiting times may vary depending on your grade and the type of house needed. If you are interested in living in housing, contact Hunt Military Community. Hunt has 1430 units in their inventory.
Special Needs Family Members
For special needs families, Hunt housing will work closely with the Exceptional Family Member Program coordinator to evaluate the availability of vacant homes that meet the needs of the family, and to coordinate any adaptations required for the selected home of assignment.
Single Service Member Housing
At Langley AFB we strive to create an inclusive environment that cultivates the development and training of Airmen. The Air Force recognizes that the management of Unaccompanied Housing facilities is critical to an Airman's development process. UH is a personal residence and we strive to provide a modern, functional, well maintained and comfortable home, as well as promote pride, professionalism and personal dignity.
UH is provided for unaccompanied Airmen in the ranks of E-1 to E-3 and E-4 with less than 3 years of service. Each Airman is provided a private sleeping room, furnishings, bed linens and supplies required for comfortable living. (Room arrangements may vary depending on location)
Unaccompanied Airmen in the rank of E-4 with greater than 3 years of service and above will move into housing in the local community. Please refer to Air Force Housing website for information and assistance on securing housing.
Joint Base Langley-Eustis (Eustis)
Fort Eustis Family Housing is privatized and managed by Balfour Beatty Communities. You can find more information at the www.jble.af.mil or visit them directly at the Fort Eustis Family Homes website. Call the Balfour Beatty leasing office at 757-369-8335. Their address is 126 Madison Ave., Fort Eustis, VA 23604. The leasing office is open Monday-Sunday.
The Fort Eustis Family Homes (Balfour Beatty) community office is located at 126 Madison Ave. and can be reached at 757-369-8335. You may also visit the website. All personnel with dependents are eligible to apply for quarters on post. There are 881 housing units on post. The waiting time varies depending on unit availability, grade, and number of bedrooms required.
Fort Eustis Family Homes has partnered with the Army to manage, maintain, build, and renovate the family housing for Fort Eustis. This housing is part of the Department of Defense’s privatized housing initiative.
On-post housing is available to all grades; however, wait times may vary depending on unit availability. If you are interested in living on post, please contact the Fort Eustis Family Homes Community Management Office.
Other Privatized Housing Options in the area:
Yorktown Naval Weapons Station is approximately five miles from Fort Eustis. The housing at Yorktown NWS is also privatized and run by Liberty Military Housing. Their phone number is 757-847-7806, and their address is 1970 Von Steuben Drive, Newport News VA 23603. You can also speak with the Navy housing staff at 757 847-7806.
Langley Family Housing is approximately 15 miles from Fort Eustis. The housing at Joint Base Langley Eustis is also privatized and run by Hunt Military Communities. Their phone number is 757-865-1330, and their address is 11 Burrell Loop Rd, Langley AFB, 23665.
Government Housing - Family Housing
All personnel with accompanying dependents are eligible to apply for quarters on post.
Incoming personnel must apply for on-post quarters within 30 days of signing in to Fort Eustis for the application to be back-dated to the departure date from your last permanent duty station. Incoming personnel who apply within 30 days of signing in must submit the following:
There are 881 dwelling units on post. The waiting time varies depending upon unit availability, grade, and number of bedroom requirements. The Fort Eustis Family Homes (Balfour Beatty) community office is located at 126 Madison Ave. Call 757-369-8335 or visit the website.
Exceptional Family Member Housing
There is no priority list for families with Exceptional Family Members; the housing office will review needs on a case-by-case basis. One-story housing is very limited.
Visit the Fort Eustis Family Homes website for more information.
Non Government Housing
Reporting Requirements
Service members must contact the Housing Services Office located at 650 Monroe Ave., room 114. prior to signing a lease or making any commitment for off-post housing.
Surrounding Communities
The entire area is known as “Hampton Roads” or “Coastal Virginia”. Fort Eustis is located in Newport News on what is considered “the Peninsula". Many communities surround Fort Eustis and Langley AFB (located in Hampton). Housing options are available in Newport News, Yorktown, Hampton, Poquoson, Williamsburg, and Gloucester. Driving times vary from 10 to 30 minutes. Additional housing is located on “the Southside” in the cities of Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Isle of Wight County. Driving times vary from 50 to 90 minutes.
Housing Services Office - (HSO)
The HSO assists you in finding off-post housing and can also refer you to on-post housing options in the area. The HSO is your contact for any problems you may encounter such as discrimination complaints or tenant/landlord disputes.
Most rental agencies and many rental properties in the area require a non-refundable Application Processing/Security Check Fee, a non-refundable Pet Deposit, and a Security Deposit of at least one month's rent. To avoid scams, be careful before sending any money. The HSO can confirm the management company is reputable.
A list of rental properties participating in the Deposit Waiver Program also known as the Rental Partnership Program (RPP) is available from the Fort Eustis Housing Office in Bldg 650 Monroe Ave., room 114. Check your HSO for rental agencies that are off-limits to Soldiers.
Purchase Options
The Housing Office offers a free monthly Home Buying and Selling seminar. Please contact them for the upcoming dates.
It is best to get pre-qualified prior to looking at homes. Contact your credit union or the Housing Office for other mortgage lenders.
A good guideline of how much you can afford to pay is to make sure housing costs do not exceed 29% of your household gross monthly income. Include monthly payments for insurance and taxes in your planning. Find out how much down payment and closing costs may be required.
The Housing Office has list of available properties and professionals who can assist you in the process. Consider using your VA loan and looking at other financing options to determine the best value for you. Most properties qualify for 100% financing at competitive interest rates for a 30 year term through the VA loan.
The following documents and information are needed for processing a home loan application:
Complete information on all installment debts and credit cards, i.e. account numbers balance of monthly payments, value of automobiles, boats, furniture and details on such assets as stocks, bonds and life insurance
If alimony or child support is paid or received, a copy of the divorce decree is needed.
If bankruptcy was filed within last 7 years a copy of the bankruptcy paper is needed.
For Veterans Affair’s “loans,” you will need access to your DD-214 or command-verification of employment. “VA Home Loans are provided by private lenders, such as banks and mortgage companies. VA guarantees a portion of the loan, enabling the lender to provide you with more favorable terms.” https://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/
New debts may affect financing.
Once you have decided to purchase a new home, determine your needs based on family size, affordability, area of town, the importance of such things as yard, garage and distance from work and schools etc. Shop around by either driving through neighborhoods or looking in the newspaper or on-line.
When selecting a realtor, be sure to verify that the person is licensed by the Virginia Real Estate Commission. Get answers to all your questions and let your realtor know your needs and desires.
The Housing Office can also provide a list of realtors who have experience working with military service members.
Mobile Homes
There are many mobile home parks that not only provide spaces but also rent both furnished and unfurnished mobile homes. Contact the Housing Office before beginning your off-post housing search. The Housing Office maintains a current listing of available mobile homes and can provide guidance in selecting one that fits your needs. You can also get information from the Relocation Readiness program.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
Joint Base Langley - Eustis (Langley)
The M&FRC is available to provide one-on-one financial counseling as well as financial workshops. A wide range of financial topics that the M&FRC can assist with are the following:
Even individuals that find themselves in a good financial situation can still benefit from using the Personal Financial Readiness services to achieve their financial goals.
We welcome you to schedule an appointment or register for a financial workshop by calling the M&FRC at 757-764-3990 or DSN 574-3990.
Joint Base Langley - Eustis (Eustis)
Budgeting is Vital
Whether it is your first or twenty-first move, there will be out of pocket expenses. The government covers only so much of the expense when you move. Financial preparedness is essential in maintaining a good quality of life, but when it comes to moving the expenses can be overwhelming. Budgeting comes in handy. Develop a budget strategy when you know a move is on the way.
Personal Financial Readiness Program
The Personal Financial Readiness Program focuses on improving soldiers' and families' financial readiness and self-sufficiency. This includes the ability to function as informed consumers. Emphasis is placed on training in money management, proper use of credit, financial planning for deployment, transition and relocation, insurance, and checking account management to prevent financial difficulties. The program involves development of debt liquidation plans, housing loss mitigation, and presentation of special subject matter dealing with major item purchases such as home and auto. Individual appointments may be scheduled for budget counseling or consumer issues. Contact 757 878-3638, ACS Building 650.