- Be aware that the voltage difference will affect some appliances.
- Linens are not available for check-out through the Lending Closet, so it is best to pack some or ship some in your unaccompanied or hold baggage.
- The Housing office can normally provide basic furniture for the duration of your time, but all items are subject to availability.
- Transportation of pets into Japan is a lengthy process. Please ensure you review and follow all pet transportation instructions.
Defense Service Network (DSN) Dialing Instructions. The DSN is the provider of long-distance communications service for the Department of Defense (DoD). Every installation has a special DSN number, and the numbers vary by world-wide location. In order to place a call using DSN, the caller must be using a military phone on an installation. When dialing a DSN number to/from overseas locations, the DSN area code must be included. USAG Japan area code is 315.