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Youth Services
Bldg. 744
Zama City, Kanagawa Prefecture Japan 252-8511
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
Camp Zama offers a youth center which is open to all youth in grades 6th through 12th. Activities include Boys and Girls Club Programs, 4-H programs, high adventure activities, indoor and outdoor sporting events, computer labs, music studio, karaoke, arts and crafts and many other events. Youth assist in setting up programs they are most interested in attending. Field trips occur on a regular basis and include action/adventure parks, ski trips, swimming and other activities around Japan. The Middle School Teen (MST) Program is located on Camp Zama, Building 744. For more information, call: DSN 315-263-4500.
Hours of Operation:
Youth CenterThe Youth Center is located on Camp Zama Some of the activities in the center include:
Field trips occur on a regular basis to places like Tokyo Disneyland, Summerland amusement park, ski trips and other activities around Japan. If an activity you like is not already sponsored by MST, Youth can join Keystone and Torch Clubs and help decide what kind of activities you want at Camp Zama. Contact the YS Director at DSN 315-263-4500 for further information.
Youth Sponsorship ProgramThe goal of the Youth Sponsorship is to connect incoming youth with Camp Zama youth. You may request a sponsor to assist you with questions or concerns about Japan. All our teens have been in your shoes, we want to lend a helping hand. The Youth Sponsorship Program helps youths moving to Japan by matching them up with another age-appropriate youth presently living here. The youths correspond to find out exactly what to expect upon their arrival at Camp Zama.
Youth SportsYouth Sports and Fitness (YSF) Program was developed to meet your children's recreation and athletic needs, emphasizing safety, participation, and fundamental good sportsmanship. Every program is designed to provide all youth the opportunity to participate, develop fundamental skills and grow in an atmosphere of sportsmanship, citizenship and teamwork. Eligible youth may participate in the sports program for a fee. When your child(ren) register to participate, they will be assigned to a team, issued a basic uniform and guaranteed a specific amount of playing time. YSF sports fees are subject to change. All participates must have an updated sports physical, that covers the entire season, on file before registering for any sports. The Youth Sports Program offers a wide variety of sporting events, activities, clinics, and games for youth beginning at age 3. Activities include baseball, basketball, soccer, dodge ball, swimming, cheerleading and many others. Contact the Youth Sports Director for more information on signing up for youth sports or becoming a coach or volunteer. Youth Sports is located on Sagamihara Housing Area, building 337s. Call DSN 315-262-6137 for more information.
SKIESUnlimitedThe SKIESUnlimited Program is located on Sagamihara Housing Area, Building 337s. We offer instructional classes to eligible children/youth from ages 3-18 years. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 10 a.m.- 7 p.m. Saturday - Sunday Closed.
The name SKIESUnlimited combines the acronym for "Schools of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration, and Skills" with the word Unlimited for the unlimited learning possibilities this exciting new initiative offers Army children and youth.
SKIESUnlimited provides the framework or umbrella for all instructional programming in the CYS System worldwide.
SKIESUnlimited encompasses instructional programs for children and youth from infancy to adolescence i.e., four weeks through the end of their senior year in high school.
Through SKIESUnlimited, children and youth in CDS, SAC, MST Programs have equal access to opportunities that expand their knowledge, inspire them, allow them to explore, and acquire new skills.Youth people spend as much as 80% of their waking time outside the classroom. When involved in instructional programs during the critical hours of 3-8 PM, they are less likely to engage in undesirable behavior. Children and youth participate in instructional programs for a variety of reasons: to explore new skills, to pursue and nurture personal interests, to interact socially with others, to build a resume, to bolster a college application, or to foster a close relationship with caring, knowledgeable adults outside of the home.
What SKIESUnlimited OffersInstructional programs foster the development of critical life, leadership, and social skills. The latest educational research confirms that a student's involvement in after-school instructional programs is beneficial on all levels. Instructional programs have been shown to promote the intellectual development of children and youth.
The SKIESUnlimited Program offers a wide variety of instructional classes. Activities include Dance, Gymnastics, Kendo, Martial Arts, Ballet, Piano, Violin and much more. For more information, contact the Youth Sports & Fitness Director at DSN 315-262-6137.
Youth Sports: https://zama.armymwr.com/programs/youth-sports-fitness
Youth Center: https://zama.armymwr.com/programs/youth-center
School Support Services provides Army school-aged youth with educational opportunities, resources and information necessary to achieve academic success. A branch of Child & Youth Services School Support Services features School Liaison Officers who help schools, installations and Families work together for student achievement.
The School Liaison Officer for the Camp Zama Community is available to assist families who have school-age children enrolled in Zama Middle High School, Arnn Elementary School, and home school. The SLO is available to work with the community and command on any school related issue such as assisting familied involved in homeschooling by offering/coordinating resources available within the community that will help broaden their youth's hands-on knowledge and experiences.
The SLO can offer families information on requirements for registration, graduation and PCS information. The SLO collaborates with parents on ensuring academic success of their child and educating parents on the local school system policies and procedures. The SLO can supply families with information on applying for grants and scholarships and assist families with postsecondary education questions. The SLO also assists with transitioning families in and out of the community and schools by providing points of contact and information for those families PCSing and so much more.
The School Liaison Officer is here to assist you Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Main office located in Building 744 (Camp Zama Middle School/Teen Center). To contact you may send an email to usagjapan_schoolliaison@army.mil, call 315-263-5441 or visit CYS Parent Central Services.
School Support Services: https://zama.armymwr.com/programs/school-liaison