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Employment - Employment Assistance Program
7264 Normandy Drive
Custer Hill
Fort Riley, KS 66442-6421
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
Welcome to Fort Riley and the Junction City-Manhattan area. Fort Riley is the largest competitive employer in the area. When preparing for employment, it is extremely important that you document your knowledge, skills, and abilities to create an outstanding resume. ACS offers “mock interviews” through their ERP (Employment Readiness Program). So, it’s important to practice for a upcoming interview.
Statistics in the local areas as of May 2023:
The average unemployment rate in the State of Kansas is 2.9%. Minimum Wage is $13.00 to 22.00 per hour. Median Wages 22.00 per hour and 34,119.00 Starting salaries for clerical positions range from $14.35 to $16.37 per hour, depending on job experience. The average pay is $14.35 per hour.
Good prospects include Production, sales, welders and computer technicians. Fair prospects include Laborers, clerical, construction workers and food service workers. Poor prospects include: Administrative and managerial. The Federal Government and Kansas State University are the primary employers in the area. Federal positions are currently affected by Military Spouse Preference, Executive Order 13473; therefore, employment prospects are somewhat better for spouses in the Federal Sector.
Fort Riley has a high demand for Child Care Providers both in the CDC centers (Child Development Centers) and at FCC (Family Child Centers) providers homes. These positions are Non-appropriated Fund (NAF) positions with average starting salaries $15.00. Positions with the Appropriated Fund positions salaries vary in accordance with your skills, knowledge, and abilities.
Resources - Employment Opportunity Links:
Please remember the importance of hand carrying all your employment records and documents with you. For job-hunting purposes you will need the following:
Finding employment is one of the most difficult challenges family members face being in a military lifestyle. As a result, the Fort Riley Employment Readiness Program was established by Army Community Service to provide employment assistance to members of the Army Family in the Fort Riley area. We're here to assist you any way we can. The Employment Readiness Program provides services to spouses and I.D card holding family members of relocating Active Duty soldiers, retired military, reserve component, and DOD civilian employees. Also, it provides assistance to transitioning soldiers and civilians who are participating in the Transition Assistance Program
The program is not an employment agency, but rather a job search assistance resource with information and referral services to local employment, educational, and training opportunities for eligible job seekers. We assist clients in overcoming the difficulties associated with finding employment through education, training opportunities, job search assistance, career planning, resume research review, and development assistance.
ERP is located at Bldg. 7264 Normandy Drive. We welcome appointments and walk-ins during the business hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday and from 8:00 a.m. thru 4:30 on Fridays. The open appointments cover topics such as: resume styles and review, cover letters, career counseling, job searches, and eligibility for specialized programs.
If you are interested in setting up an appointment please call 785-239-9435.
Employment Orientation Table
Every Wednesday at the Victory Welcome at the ACS (Army Community Service) table. Location: Riley's Community Center, 446 Seitz Drive. 1:00-2:00pm.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) provides effective transition and employment assistance to service members and their families by assisting them in assessing their skills and objectives, setting goals, and building a strategy to achieve them.
Location: 212 Custer Ave, Rm 101, Fort Riley, Kansas 66442
Office Phone: (785)239-2278
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Follow Army TAP on Social Media!
Facebook @USArmyTAP
Fort Riley Transition Assistance Program | Facebook
Office Phone: 785-239-2278
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
For collecting unemployment benefits, contact Kansas Department of Labor, 1430 SW Topeka Boulevard, Topeka, Kansas 66612 or telephone at 785-235-5627. Fax: 785-233-5899.
Fort Riley is the largest competitive employer in the area. The Federal Government and Kansas State University are other primary employers. Unemployment Rate 2.9%. Median Household Income $45,350.
Community Resources
At you will find the most up to date currently available positions throughout Kansas without the hassle of recruiters and out of state listings. Scroll down to view the most recent job postings, or you can do a quick search by keyword and area, or just click show all jobs to see all positions currently posted.
Junction City and Manhattan have a Kansas Workforce Center available. The Center houses special software for job hunting and software to help you with your interviews. Heartland Works offers two programs for the Military spouse Dislocated Workers Program and WIAA. Both programs are Income based and may provide training funds for high demand positions in the area. Heartland Works can be found in the Junction City or Manhattan workforce centers.
MyCAA - For information on MyCAA and Military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, visit Military OneSource or 1-800-342-9647.
Military OneSource provides comprehensive education and career guidance, support and resources to military spouses pursuing employment or an advanced degree. Read fresh content related to career exploration; education, training and licensing; and employment readiness and career connections. Check out tips and strategies for military spouses that help match your interests, skills and goals with a degree or occupation that's compatible with your mobile military life.