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Youth Services
995 Franklin Avenue
Naval Air Station
Lemoore, CA 93246
Youth Program Center
Youth Sports
Teen Center
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
The NAS Lemoore Teen Center is a proud affiliate of the National Boys and Girls Club of America, 4-H, and National Alliance for Youth Sports and we are proud to wear their logos. Teen Center programs are offered for youth in 7th through 12th grade in Bldg. 970 on NAS Lemoore.
The Teen Center has a full-court indoor gym used for sports, dances and instructional programs, a technology lab for homework, music room, a large social activity area for eating, playing board games, video games, billiard, foosball, provides a large outdoor lawn for social lounging and volleyball. Teen program offers opportunities in life skills; citizenship and leadership; leisure, recreation and arts, as well as mentoring, intervention and support services. The Teen Center offers teens the opportunity to incorporate sports, fitness, and the arts into their daily lives and provide quality experiences to expand their possibilities. The Teen Center has quiet spaces for study and concentration that includes materials and homework supplies, computers, and other research materials. The facility is also equipped with a sound proof music room.
The Teen Center hours of operation vary.
Please call for more information contact: 559-998-4936/4344
Teen Employment Program (TEP) provides work-based learning opportunities to teens seeking work experience and skill development. The TEP is a stepping stone for career development and is designed to encourage exploration of interests or careers, skill development and completion of training modules. For more information on the Youth Employment Opportunities contact 559-998-4936.
(Comprised of Child Development Center (CDC), Family Child Care (FCC), School Age Care (SAC), and Youth and Teen Programs)
Patron Eligibility (CDC, FCC, SAC)
All military personnel, DOD Civilian personnel paid from appropriated funds or non-appropriated funds, reservists on active duty or inactive duty for training, DOD contractors, and active duty Coast Guards.
Deceased service members' children are eligible for child care services up to 180 days after the death of the active duty service member. Installation Commander may grant an extension beyond 180 days for good cause, if warranted by circumstances and set forth by the remaining parent/guardian.
Children of divorced or legally separated parents must reside with the active duty sponsor to be eligible for care. Foster care children residing in a military home can receive care at the CYP. National Guards children are also eligible for care.
Patron Eligibility for Youth Center
Children and youth, kindergarten through grade 12, of DOD military members, civilian employees and other eligible patrons of MWR programs in accordance with DODI 1015.10.
Youth who have graduated from high school are eligible to participate until the commencement of the quarter or semester immediately following their graduation.
The Youth Recreation Program is primarily intended for youth ages six to 18 years of age; however, recreation activities for preschool aged children, e.g., organized classes, sports leagues, etc., may be included as part of the program.
Priority Status/Priority Care
The mission of the CYP is to keep the service member on the job therefore, the following priorities have been set by CNRSW for CDC, FCC, SAC:
1A. Child care program staff
1B. Single/dual active military; single/dual Guard or Reserve on active/Inactive Duty Training (IDT) status; military with full-time working spouses
1C. Active military or Reserve on active/IDT status with part-time working spouses or spouses seeking employment.
1D. Active military or Reserve on active/IDT status with full-time student spouses
2. DoD civilians
3. Space available personnel (for example retirees including active duty personnel that have retired)
Enrollment Requirement
Parents needing care for CDC/FCC/SAC must complete a Request for Care at militarychildcare.com Children must have current immunizations before starting in the program. Single and dual active military members must have Family Care Plan on file prior to start in program. Please visit militarychildcare.com for more information.
Hourly Care
Sometimes families need childcare for just 1 or 2 hours to deal with an emergency, attend a doctor’s appointment or take care of other responsibilities. NAS Lemoore CYP programs offer hourly care spaces available in CDC’s SAC’s or FCC Providers homes. Those spaces are offered on a “first come first served” basis during normal operating hours (an exception to this policy exists for Wounded Warriors who have priority for available hourly care spaces to attend medical appointments). Families may make reservations on CYP Online Services or by calling the center up to 30 days in advance for up to 25 hours per week at CDC and FCC Provider homes or up to 10 hours per week at before and after school care program. Prior to your child receiving any hourly care, you must complete the registration packet, if you have any questions about the CYP’s hourly care policies and procedures, please contact a CYP Professional.
Youth Programs are comprehensive programs designed for youth, ages 3 to 18 years of age, for recreational, educational, social and physical development.
The Parent Involvement Board (PIB) is also a major part of the programming and volunteer services are offered at Child and Youth Programs.
The Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) Department at NAS Lemoore is an active, ongoing program that keeps the military children busy and involved. Explore the Youth Programs link on the left for more information or call 559-998-4344.
Youth Social Programs are available to Teens 7th grade to 12th grade at NAS Lemoore at the Teen Center, Building 970. Programs are in an after school setting with hours from Monday- Thursday 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. and Friday 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. Our Social programs includes Boys and Girls Club programs, a gymnasium for games and recreation, a computer lab, video games, board games, and more. For more information on the social programs for Teens, contact 559-998-0102.
Youth Sponsorship is available to youth at Naval Air Station Lemoore. Our goal is to provide access to positive peer groups and social activities, helping military children feel connected with their new community. The Youth Sponsorship Program is designed for children in grades 3rd through 12th who are enrolled in the School Age Care Program or Teen Center. Youth in our Leadership Keystone and Torch Clubs are paired up with incoming youth to give them information needed on area schools, such as Neutra Elementary School, Akers School, and Lemoore High School. For more information about Youth Sponsorship, please call 559-998-4344 for youth kinder through 6th grade and 559-998-0102 for youth 7th through 12th grade.
School Age Care program are offered for children ages 5-12 years. The programs are designed to meet the needs of working parents with children in school in a safe and fun atmosphere with age appropriate activities. SAC complete the school day, providing care and recreational activities when school are not in session.
School Age Care Program offer many different activities from arts and crafts to games and special events for school aged children. Because youth/children enjoy the club programs that are of special interest for youth, such as cooking club, sports clubs, sewing clubs and gardening clubs programing is based on actively and continuously seeking input, ideas and opinions from the youth. The School Age Care Program is also designed to support youth in achieving academic goals by offering an environment that support receptive learning, designed spaces and support in which youth can complete their homework.
Sea Cadets
NAS Lemoore offers a Sea Cadet program from ages from 11-18 years of age. To find out more information about the Sea Cadet Program, visit the web page. http://lemooreseacadets.com/
Cub Pack
Pack 425 welcomes any 1st through 5th grade boy from Lemoore to join. Boys can join at any time during the year. We also welcome and encourage parents to help out in any way they can. We do all kinds of fun activities, like family camping, Pinewood Derby, games and a lot more. See our Pack calendar for more information on upcoming meetings and events. If you are interested please come to one of our pack meetings. Visitors are always welcome, the telephone number is 559-381-5724 or 559-707-8874.
Girl Scouts
There are currently 6 Girl Scouts troops at Naval Air Station Lemoore. Girl Scouts is for Girls from 5-17 years old or K-12th grade. Visit the Girl Scout website Local Council Central Valley for more information.
Registration -- $10.00 per girl & $10.00 per adult (one adult per family must registrar as well) There is financial aid available upon request (mostly for first timers or special circumstances).
Other info -- Some troops will charge dues (these are usually small amounts to cover costs of supplies and such) (it varies from troop to troop) Troops meet in many different locations and on different days at different times.
Youth Sports and Fitness Programs are offered for youth 3 to 18 years of age. All sports are geared for youth 5 through 18 years old, with Start Smart Program introduction teams for 3 and 4-year-olds in a noncompetitive Youth Sports environment. Sports include Flag Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Track and Cheerleading. Youth Sports and Fitness is a co-educational recreational sports program for youth.
All youth that register will participate and receive a t-shirt with team logo, as well as a participation medal at the end of the sport. Coaches and referees are volunteers and are certified by Youth Services programs in training techniques, as well as first aid and child abuse prevention and reporting. Background clearances are required for all volunteers, 12 and older.
Skills Camps, such as Speed & Agility Clinics are the newest addition to our sports program. Speed and Agility Clinics transfers to all sports and will help, children/youth better understand how to accelerate, decelerate, stabilize, and quickly change directions with proper posture. Along with the ability to react and change body position with a maximum rate of force production. We feel that camps, especially for the little ones, are a great introduction to the sport arena with no pressure on how well the child does in the sport. Volunteer coaches and referees needed for all sports.
Home School PE Program
Home School PE Program provide children/youth the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge on how to be physically fit as well offer an opportunity peer interaction. The Home School PE Program is based on the Presidential Fitness Challenge in which intel’s dynamic stretching/warmups and many other fitness challenges. It offers Home School children/youth the opportunity to participate in team sports and develop critical thinking skills. Please contact the Youth Sports and Fitness Program at 559-998-4347