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Naval Legal Service Officer SW Branch Office Lemoore
730 Enterprise Boulevard, Room 216
Naval Air Station
Lemoore, CA 93246-5001
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
The Region Legal Service Office DET Lemoore's mission is to provide a full range of legal services to Navy commands, active duty personnel, family members and retirees for Northern California (counties of San Louis Obispo, Kings, Tulare, Inyo, and all counties north thereof), Nevada (less Clark County), and other areas as may be assigned.
Eligible for Services
All active duty and retired personnel and dependents. A valid military ID card is required for all services.
Walk-In Services: Special Power of Attorney and Notary Services are available on a Walk-in basis. The walk-in office is located at Building 730, Room 216. Power of Attorney can also be drafted at the following web address:https://www.jag.navy.mil/legal-services/special-power-of-attorney/
Walk-in Hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00 am-11:30 am.
ALL OTHER services are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Email LEM_LegalAssistance@us.navy.mil to make an appointment.
Deploying Service Members take Priority, Services May be Limited.Services that may be offered are:
The Staff Advocate's Office works directly for the Commanding Officer of the base concerning legal issues and matters. The phone number is 559-998-3349.
Release 2024.08.27.1