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School Liaison Officer
164 Grayling Avenue 2nd floor
MWR Dept.
Building 83, Room-217
Groton, CT 06349-5014
Main Line
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Education Overview
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines, and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private or public school, or home school your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Education – Introduction
There are no Department of Defense schools in the Groton, Connecticut area.
The majority of students residing in government housing attend Groton Public Schools. Private, charter, and magnet schools are available in the local area. Although located in Connecticut, Naval Submarine Base New London is approximately 15 miles from the Rhode Island border. Therefore, personnel assigned to SUBASE New London reside in both Connecticut and Rhode Island. All local school districts and most private schools can be researched on the Internet. It is strongly encouraged that you contact the School Liaison before relocating at 860-694-3772 or NAVSUBASE NLON Groton, CT. at miranda.c.chapman.naf@us.navy.mil with any questions about the education options for your child.
Enrollment Requirements: Be advised that, in addition to the school-specific forms, the following documents are needed to enroll your children in the area schools:
Eligibility and Entrance Age Requirements for Kindergarten and First Grade
To ensure a smooth transition for your child, it is recommended that you have sports physicals completed before arriving at your new duty station. If that is not possible, they can be administered at the Naval Medical Readiness Training Unit at SUBASE with your assigned PCM. If not assigned an "On-base PCM" you can often obtain required physicals from local walk-in clinics, school-based health centers, or your off-base PCM, Specify that you need a sports physical and provide the correct school form for the medical staff. To obtain an appointment with your assigned "on-base" PCM, please contact the appointment line at 888-628-9633.
Local Schools Cities and towns near Naval Submarine Base New London have schools that are small and responsive to local needs. Children are assigned to public school districts based on where the family resides. Each town manages its school system. Private, charter, and magnet schools are available in the local area to families both living in government housing and living in surrounding communities. For more information on school options, contact the school liaison at 860-694-3772 or SLP.SUBASENLON.fct@navy.mil; or Email at NAVSUBASE NLON Groton, CT. miranda.c.chapman.naf@us.navy.mil
Additional items to bring for school enrollment include:
Cities and towns near Naval Submarine Base New London have schools that are small and responsive to local needs. Due to the proximity and reasonable travel times to the base, most of the children of service members assigned to SUBASE New London attend school in the following public school districts, depending upon where the family resides:
Please see the Connecticut School Districts https://portal.ct.gov/services/education/k-12-education/schools-and-districts
The School Liasion Program NAVSUBASE NLON Groton, CT. Phone: 860-694-3772, Email: miranda.c.chapman.naf@us.navy.mil
Southeastern Connecticut offer numerous choices regarding a private education. To explore these educational opportunities visit the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools for additional information.
Private Schools: You can contact the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools:
You may also contact the school liaison at the Naval Submarine Base New London at 860-694-3772 or Miranda Chapman, (SLP) NAVSUBASE NLON Groton, CT. miranda.c.chapman.naf@us.navy.mil
SACRED HEART SCHOOL (PK-8) 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 06340Phone: 860-445-0611 LINK: www.sacredheartgroton.org/school/
MONTESSORI DISCOVERY SCHOOL (PK-6) 218 Dudley Street, Norwich, CT 06360Phone: 860-889-0340 LINK: www.montdiscovery.org
ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL (K-8) 25 Squire Street, New London, CT 06320Phone: 860-442-1720 LINK: www.sjsnl.com/
PINE POINT SCHOOL (PK-9) 89 Barnes Road, Stonington, CT 06378Phone: 860-5350-606 LINK: www.pinepoint.org/
ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL (PK-8) 63 Liberty Street, Pawcatuck, CT 06379Phone: 860-599-1084 LINK: www.stmichaelschoolct.com/
NORTH STONINGTON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (PK-12) 12 Stillman Road, North Stonington, CT 06359Phone: 860-599-5071 LINK: www.northstoningtonchristianacademy.org
WILDWOOD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (PK-8) 35 Wawecus Hill Road, Norwich, CT 06360Phone: 860-887-7830 LINK: www.mywildwood.org/
ST. PATRICK CATHEDRAL SCHOOL (PK-8) 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360Phone: 860-889-4174 LINK: http://st-patrickschoolnorwich.org
SACRED HEART SCHOOL (PK-8) 15 Hunters Avenue, Taftville, CT 06380Phone: 860-887-1757 LINK: www.sacredhearttaftville.org/
ST. JOSEPH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (PK-8) 10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT 06330-1029Phone: 860-822-6141 LINK: www.stjosephschoolbaltic.com
THE WILLIAMS SCHOOL (6-12) 182 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320Phone: 860-443-5333 LINK: www.williamsschool.org/
ST. BERNARD SCHOOL (6-12) 1593 Norwich New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT 06382Phone: 860-848-1271 LINK: www.saint-bernard.com/
ACADEMY OF THE HOLY FAMILY (9-12, FEMALE) 54 West Main Street, Baltic, CT 06330-1300Phone: 860-822-9272 LINK: www.ahfbaltic.org/
ST. THOMAS MORE SCHOOL (8-12, MALE) 45 Cottage Road, Oakdale, Connecticut 06370Phone: 860-859-1900 LINK: www.stmct.org/
NORWICH FREE ACADEMY (9-12) 305 Broad Street, Norwich, CT 06360Phone: 860-887-2505 LINK: www.norwichfreeacademy.com/
If a parent chooses not to enroll a child in public or private schools, home-based instruction is a viable alternative. Information on home-schooling can be found at the Connecticut State Department of Education.
Home Schooling: If a parent chooses a home-based instruction environment, you can gain additional Information on the State’s website.
You may also contact the school liaison at the Naval Submarine Base New London at 860-694-3772 or The School Liaison office is located in Bldg. 83, Rm 217 860-694-3772 for questions, please email the SLO program at Miranda.chapman@navy.mil
Adult education opportunities are available through the local public school systems, and Navy College will provide specific details for GED information. The local Navy College Office can be contacted at 833-330-6622. For further information, visit the Education- Training (College- Technical) section of Military Installations.
Navy College Program
Jumpstart your educational journey. Make the most of education opportunities available to you while serving in the Navy.
Website: https://www.navycollege.navy.mil/
Phone Number: 833-330-6622
Postal Address:
Attn: Navy College Virtual Education Center1155 Nider Blvd., Bldg. 3510, Suite 200Virginia Beach, VA 23459-8708
Tuition Assistance and Navy College Program for Afloat College Education Funding Date: December 20, 2024
For Navy Volunteer Education and Tuition Assistance-related questions, contact: Navy's Virtual Education Center at 877-838-1659 or vec@navy.mil
or reach out to School Liason Program (SLP) NAVSUBASE NLON Groton, CT. 860-694-3772, miranda.c.chapman.naf@us.navy.mil
What is the School Liaison Program? The School Liaison Program is the primary point of contact between the military installation, the local schools and school districts, transitioning families and the community at large. The Navy School Liaison Program helps installation and regional commanders work with state departments and local school districts to foster awareness of the stressors on military families brought about by frequent transitions and extended deployments. These education professionals are located on all major Navy installations and serve as liaisons between Navy families and schools.
How Can a School Liaison Assist Families? Choosing the right school for their children is a priority for military parents. This handbook will educate you on the local school options and help guide your choices as you plan for your child’s educational needs. Your local School Liaison Program can provide additional information and provide support.
The Base in New London, Connecticut helps military families and students by:
The School Liaison Program is part of the Child and Youth Education Services program, which is under the Morale Welfare and Recreation of the US Navy. The program aims to help military-connected children have a smooth transition between schools. School Liaisons are subject matter experts for K-12 education issues and work to connect parents, educators, and commanders.
The Youth Sponsorship Program at the Naval Submarine Base in New London helps incoming youth adjust and connect with a youth sponsor. Youth sponsors provide support and information about the surrounding community, area schools, and attractions.
School Liaison Program NAVSUBASE NLON Groton, CT. 860-694-3372, miranda.c.chapman.naf@us.navy.mil.
Connecticut Assessment System: This is designed to support student learning of the Connecticut Core Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. The system is balanced and comprehensive. It offers different tools for various purposes. Formative assessment resources and Interim Block assessments are designed to support instruction and monitor progress during the year. Summative assessments evaluate overall academic achievement at the end of the year and are designed to inform accountability, evaluation, and support.
Summative Assessment The Connecticut system includes the following assessments:
Performance Office - Student Summative Assessment
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 509, Hartford, CT 06103-184, 860-713-6860, https://portal.ct.gov/sde/student-assessment/main-assessment/student-assessment.
Interim Block assessments are a way to check a student’s level of retention and learning progress, and the flexibility to modify instruction to optimal learning absorption.
A formative assessment is a quick check to measure a student's comprehensive learning
Private Schools: You can contact the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools for additional information.
School Liaison Program (SLP) NAVSUBASE NLON Groton, CT. miranda.c.chapman.naf@us.navy.mil
State Testing in Rhode Island: In Rhode Island, students in third through eighth grade take the Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) in English language arts and math. Students in fifth, eighth, and 11th grade also take a science test known as the Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSS).
The State of Rhode Island255 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903, Phone: 401-222-4600, https://ride.ri.gov/instruction-assessment/assessment/ricas-assessments