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NSB New London Housing Service Center
83 Grayling Avenue
Bldg 83 Rm. 148
Dealey Plaza
Groton, CT 06349
Toll Free
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Housing; Government Housing: Submarine Base New London Housing is privatized, with Balfour Beatty Communities as the managing partner. All units are assigned to comply with the "one child per bedroom" criteria. There may be a waiting list, depending on rank and family composition, so please call the Housing Welcome Center for estimated wait times.
NOTE: New London Housing has pet restrictions for certain breeds. Please call the Navy Housing Office at 860-694-3851 for more detailed information.
Housing Early Assistance Tool:www.cnic.navy.mil/HEAT allows Service members and their spouses to contact housing at one or more locations before or after they receive their PCS orders. The launch of HEAT allows the Service member to tap into their DEERS record, creating an easy user experience. Spouses can use the tool as well, needing only minimal information about their Service member.
Application and Eligibility: Procedure for Advanced Housing Application
Physical Location:
Balfour Beatty Communities Management Office, 100 Tern Road, Groton, CT 06340
Local Housing Market and Community Resources
HOMES.mil: Homes.mil is a DoD website that enables Service members and their families to search online for community housing at virtually every US military installation. Listings are managed by the Navy HSC.
Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS)
Before arranging any temporary lodging, please check into the Navy Gateway Inn and Suites
(NGIS). Service members, regardless of marital status, must ensure they receive either an endorsement of their orders or a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) from NGIS. The endorsement or CNA, along with lodging receipts, must be submitted to PSD for reimbursement of Temporary Lodging Expenses (TLE) on your travel claim. Failure to provide these documents may hinder your entitlement to reimbursement. If you have any questions, please contact NGIS.
Exceptional Family Member Program: Exceptional family members in categories 4 and 5 are eligible for priority housing with control dates below the freeze zone (top 10% of any waitlist). Other EFM categories and situations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Some units are handicap accessible and may be available upon request. Specific requirements should be addressed with the privatized partner. Generators are not part of the standard equipment offered by privatized housing.
Single Service Member Housing: Bachelor housing in New London only houses single E1-E4 permanent-party residents. Berthing for geographic bachelors is minimal. Newly reporting geographic bachelors may be afforded transient berthing for 30 days at Navy Gateway Inns and Suites Naval Submarine Base. Transient berthing is $70 per day for the standard rate, and $90 per day for the VIP rate. This is on a space-available basis. The staff at the housing office will also assist geographic bachelors in the process of finding community housing. They have information on available rental apartments and can provide assistance with lease screening and networking with local landlords and real estate agents.
Exceptions: to this policy will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Submit a waiver request in writing, via your command, documenting reasons for waiver (including bankruptcy, EFM restrictions or transfer/separation within 90 days). For up-to-date information, call the Bachelor Housing Office at 860-694-3416 or DSN at 312-694-3416.
Housing Service Center is the Service member’s government advocate for assisting any type of housing: rental or purchase, on-base or off-base, community, government, and Public/Private Venture (PPV) at any installation worldwide.
Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) supports individual and family readiness through a full array of services and resources that help Navy families to be resilient, well-informed and adaptable to the Navy environment. The Naval Submarine Base New London serves active duty members, retired personnel, and family members with programs and services to enhance their quality of life.
Public/Private Venture (PPV) housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy. We have partnered with Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC) to offer you and your family outstanding on-base housing choices. PPV housing at Naval Submarine Base New London is owned by BBC and governed by a business agreement in which the Navy has limited rights and responsibilities. BBC is entirely responsible for the construction, renovation, maintenance, and day-to-day management of the housing. PPV housing may be located on or off government property and in most cases will be former military housing.
Community Housing is any housing that a Sailor may choose that is not PPV or government-operated. This is housing outside of the base that is privately owned and operated. This can include apartment complexes and single-family homes for rent.
The FY 2024 Norwich-New London, CT HUD Metro FMR Area FMRs for All Bedroom Sizes
FY 2024 FMR
FY 2023 FMR
New London town, Connecticut is part of the Norwich-New London, CT HUD Metro FMR Area, which consists of the following towns: Bozrah town (New London County), CT; East Lyme town (New London County), CT; Franklin town (New London County), CT; Griswold town (New London County), CT; Groton town (New London County), CT; Ledyard town (New London County), CT; Lisbon town (New London County), CT; Lyme town (New London County), CT; Montville town (New London County), CT; New London town (New London County), CT; North Stonington town (New London County), CT; Norwich town (New London County), CT; Old Lyme town (New London County), CT; Preston town (New London County), CT; Salem town (New London County), CT; Sprague town (New London County), CT; Stonington town (New London County), CT; Voluntown town (New London County), CT; and Waterford town (New London County), CT. All information here applies to the entirety of the Norwich-New London, CT HUD Metro FMR Area.
The Housing Service Center has a community referral program to assist military families, singles and geographical bachelors in locating housing within the local community. Service members will be able to obtain a personalized listing of available rentals which meet their specified criteria such as price range, location and number of bedrooms and baths. For additional information on this program, call the Housing Service Center at 860-694-3851 or email Housing.NSBNL.fct@navy.mil.
NOTE: New London County has a relatively high cost of living with the price of rentals ranging from $600 to $2000+ per month. Most rental properties require a first month’s rent for deposit. Many landlords require an additional pet deposit.
It is standard practice for landlords and property managers to run credit history checks on potential tenants. Negative findings may limit your rental options and make the rental process very difficult. If you are having credit issues, the Fleet and Family Support Center staff can help you start the lengthy credit repair process.
The HSC is your contact for any problems you may encounter such as discrimination complaints, tenant/landlord disputes or any questions or problems about living in the community. All renters should carry renter’s insurance against fire, theft and other damages. Take advantage of the resources available to you before you decide to sign a lease.
Leases: A lease is a legal contract between you and your landlord. A written lease is your protection against any misunderstandings regarding rights, responsibilities, and agreements concerning the property you are renting. It is necessary to include all the conditions you want in the lease to avoid any misunderstanding that can be costly to you. We strongly recommend you bring your lease to the HSC or Base Legal for review prior to signing.
Renters Insurance: If you had to replace all of your personal property due to fire, flood or other causes could you afford to do so? Your landlord's insurance does not cover your personal belongings. It is as important for a renter to have insurance as it is for a homeowner. Renter's insurance is reasonable in cost, and your insurance representative can assist you in determining the coverage that is best for you.
Liability Insurance: A renter's insurance policy may not protect you if you should accidentally damage the house, apartment or condominium you are living in or if you should suffer some type of a lawsuit resulting from your negligence within your home. All renters are encouraged to take the need for a supplemental general liability policy seriously. An accident resulting in fire or flood damage could become a financial burden to you for the rest of your life. A general liability policy is inexpensive and well worth the cost.
Rental Options: Rental Partnership Program Naval Submarine Base New London has an active Rental Partnership Program. This program is designed to provide active-duty military personnel with off-base housing at a reduced rate. Application fees and credit check fees are waived under this program. The service member may be charged a security deposit equal to one month's rent, contingent upon the outcome of the resident's selection criteria review. The landlord may deny renting to an RPP applicant based on prior negative rental history. The program requires applicants to meet income requirements, and the military tenant must agree to never allow their rent to fall into a delinquent status. The landlord may make renter's insurance and liability insurance mandatory for the military RPP applicant. Units that are offered for the RPP are evaluated and qualified to meet the highest standards. For additional information on this program, call the HSC at 860-694-3851 or DSN 694-3851 and ask for the RPP referral specialist.
Mobile Homes: There are no mobile home parks onboard the installation, but there are several community mobile home parks in the Groton New London area.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
Submarine Base New London Housing is privatized, with Beacon Point Homes Communities as the managing partner. All units are assigned to comply with the "one child per bedroom" criteria. Call the Navy Family Housing Office at 860-694-3851 for information. Now called Beacon Point Homes [formerly Balfour Beatty].
Housing Service Center, Naval Submarine Base New London, Building 148, Dealey Center, Post Office Box 23, Groton, CT 06349-5023. Call DSN at 860-694-3851 or 877-843-5236; Fax:860-694-3154; Monday-Wednesday, Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Email: NewLondon_Housing@navy.mil