Unable to connect locally? Contact Military OneSource via secure live chat or call 800-342-9647.
Solano County is a high cost of living area, members PCSing to Travis are advised to visit their current installations Military & Family Readiness Center to create a budget to ensure financial stability. The Military Housing Office location is Bldg 576, 707-424-1746. Privatization of on-base housing is managed by Balfour Beatty 707-437-4571, location 1000 First Street, Travis AFB. Please take time to visit their website Travis Family Homes to view on-base housing and the waiting list. https://www.travisfamilyhomes.com/
Child Development Centers on base are accessible at www.militarychildcare.com.
This secure Department of Defense website provides a single gateway for you to find comprehensive information on military-operated or military-approved child care programs worldwide. With MilitaryChildCare.com, you create an account and maintain a household profile that you can access at any time from any location.
Your household profile stores basic information such as sponsor name, sponsor type, contact information, and child name and birth date. Once you create your household profile, you can conduct a customized search of the full range of military child care options that match your needs, request care across services, submit unlimited requests for care, and remain on waitlists for a preferred program even after being offered care by another program.
By streamlining the child care search and request process, MilitaryChildCare.com makes it easier for you to understand and assess your child care options and make more informed decisions about your child's care.
Inbound members are advised to contact both organizations for more information. Contact information can be found in this guide.
Passports and Visas
Ensure member and/or dependents have the required passports and/or visa prior to final out-processing. Member and/or dependents are not allowed to final out-process without the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. Members electing the accompanied tour will not be permitted to out-process without having the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. These actions are necessary to prevent unforeseen hardships to the military members and their families.
Travis AFB Vehicle Smog Check Requirements
PCS’ing to California and your vehicle requires a Smog Check? Read below for details on your next steps once you arrive to Travis AFB.
IAW the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments Section 118(d), vehicles operated on federal installations (Travis AFB) located within smog test area shall be tested regardless of where the vehicles are registered in the state. Therefore, out-of-state registered vehicles are required to be tested to meet the Solano County, smog test requirements. Travis AFB employees (civilians and military) are required to complete the AF online self-certification to demonstrate compliance with the CAA. Employees will be notified through an automated email from “no-reply@apims.af.mil”. It is a requirement that each employee follows the email instruction and complete the self-certification within the time frame provided. Below are most common scenarios that may apply to you:
If the vehicle is exempted from smog testing, then select “This personal vehicle is exempt from emissions testing (smog check).” Below are exemption categories:
$650 Repair Waiver
California Vehicle Smog Check
Diesel Vehicle
Electric Vehicles
Gasoline Vehicle 6 Yrs Old or Newer (e.g. in 2018, the six model years are: 2013 to 2018)
Gasoline Vehicle is 1975 Model Year or Older
Natural Gas Powered Vehicles
For information regarding the AF self-certification requirements, please contact the base Air Quality Program Manager, Mr. Xuyen Lieu, 707-424-5103, or email: Xuyen.lieu@us.af.mil
The mission of Team Travis is to provide global reach for America, through a responsive and flexible combat ready air mobility force.
To view the most updated news please visit the Travis AFB main page:
Travis Main Page
Population Served
**These numbers are subject to change with our ever growing force.
During World War Two Travis was originally called Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Base, and at that time it was just one of many remote military airfields in central California and the Bay Area. Yet by the late 1940s Travis was booming and had already emerged as a key logistics hub, passenger terminal, medical center, and strategic airlift facility. In the decades following its opening in 1943 the base has supported weather, bomber, fighter, aeromedical evacuation, aerial refueling, and airlift operations for wars, conflicts, presidential movements, scientific efforts, and humanitarian missions throughout the Pacific, the United States, and around the globe.
The 60th Air Mobility Wing (AMW) is the largest organization in Air Mobility Command (AMC) and flies the Lockheed C-5 "Super Galaxy", the C-17A "Globemaster III" KC-10 "Extender" tanker and the KC-46 "Pegasus"on a daily operational basis. As host unit for Travis Air Force Base (AFB), the 60 AMW controls more than two billion dollars worth of Air Force resources, including aircraft and support facilities, on more than 6,000 acres of land. The Travis family includes not only the host 60 AMW, but the Air Force Reserve counterpart, the 349 AMW. Also headquartered at Travis AFB is the 621st Contingency Response Wing, which provides AMC the capability to meet its global mobility task force commitment anywhere in the world. 60 AMW also consists of four groups: the 60th Operations Group, the 60th Maintenance Group, the 60th Mission Support Group, and the 60th Medical Group (which includes the David Grant USAF Medical Center).
Active Duty Military 7,663
Air Force Reserve 3,078
Dependents 13,693
Civil Service 3.268
Other Civilians 1,169
TOTAL: 25,603
Numbers verified by economic impact report from Public Affairs
Source: United States Census Bureau
**These numbers are subject to change with the next Census.
Travis Air Force Base is located in Solano County in Northern California near the cities of Fairfield, Suisun City, and Vacaville. This is considered to be a high cost of living area. Travis lies midway between Sacramento, the state capital, and San Francisco, the cultural heart of the West Coast. The base is within an easy driving distance of California Wine Country in the Napa, Lodi, Amador and Sonoma Valleys, as well as the popular tourist destinations Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park and Monterey.
The base operator's phone number is 707-424-1110 or DSN 312-837-1110.
Travis is located off Interstate 80 approximately 50 miles northeast of San Francisco and seven miles southeast of Fairfield. I-80 runs between San Francisco and Sacramento and goes through Fairfield and Vacaville. The Interstate brings traffic from the east through Reno, NV to Sacramento and 40 miles further to Fairfield. The easiest access to the base is to take the Air Base Parkway turnoff from Interstate 80. This leads directly to the front gate.
Traveling from the North
Traveling from the north, the best approach route would be on Interstate 5 to Interstate 505 which will intersect with I-80 in Vacaville, just north of Travis.
Traveling from Los Angeles and Other Southwest/Southern Points
From Los Angeles and other southwest and southern points, the approach would be on Interstate 5 or California Highway 99. Take I-5 14 miles past Stockton to California Highway 12. From there it is approximately 46 miles to Fairfield. Taking Highway 99, turnoff at Lodi onto Highway 12. From Lodi, it is 54 miles to Fairfield. Upon arriving in Fairfield, take Walters Road east to Air Base Parkway.
Currently, there is no intra-base shuttle on Travis. The Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST) has a route that includes David Grant Medical Center and the Air Force Inn from an off-base location in Fairfield.
If you are an employee at Travis AFB, living outside of Solano County the Base Mass Transit Program can help offset commuting costs with a stiped up to $300 a month stiped for Enterprise Van Pool or the Amtrak located a short distance from the base. For more information about the Mass Transit Program sponsored by Transerve contact Mr. Robert Nesbitt at robert.nesbitt@us.af.mil or 707-424-2486.
707-424-1110 or DSN 312-837-1110