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Air Force
Military and Family Readiness Center
351 Travis Avenue
Bldg. 660
Travis AFB, CA 94535-1903
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
Employment opportunities are robust in the Solano County area. People also commute to the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento for more job opportunities.
Travis Air Force Base has a job board with employment opportunities posted regularly on the Career Corner of the Travis M&FRC Website. We work with local employers as well as staffing and temporary agencies to obtain job announcements to share with our job seekers. Also, be sure to like us on Facebook at both the Travis Military and Family Readiness Center page in order to get notifications of added content.
The Travis M&FRC employment program holds monthly employment workshops that cover resumes, cover letters, salary negotiation, interviewing, LinkedIn and10 Steps to a Federal Job.
One-on-one appointments and resume reviews are available after you have attended classes for resumes.
To apply for Air Force federal civil service positions visit the USAJOBS http://www.usajobs.gov/ website. M&FRC staff is also available to assist with understanding the federal application process once you have attended the 10 Steps to a Federal Job monthly workshop.
Other Travis Base Employment Opportunities:
Spouses seeking employment can contact the M&FRC for local employment information and resume assistance. In addition, the Discovery Center, located inside the A&FRC, is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Discovery Center offers computer access, a scanner, fax, and copier to aid in your employment search. For information on My Career Advancement Application and Military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, visit Military OneSource https://www.militaryonesource.mil/. Volunteer positions are available through the American Red Cross and theM&FRC.
You can get additional job information from the California Employment Development Division at the Workforce Development Board of Solano County website or at CareerOneStop. To apply for California jobs, post your resume on the CalJOBS website. Finally, unemployment compensation may be available for the spouse of a newly assigned military member or for civilian employees newly assigned to Travis Air Force Base. Check with the state in which you worked prior to the assignment at Travis Air Force Base to see if they offer unemployment insurance when tied to a military move. For more information on California unemployment compensation, contact the State of California Employment Development Department.
The Airman and Family Readiness Center provides services to assist separating/retiring military personnel, reservists, Department of Defense civilians and their family members as they prepare to transition to the civilian workforce. The Transition Assistance Program conducts a five-day comprehensive TAP Goals, Plans, Success workshop designed to educate members on the benefits available through the Department of Veterans Affairs and address a variety of transition-related topics such as starting your own business, financial and personal planning and adjustment identifying your transferrable skills and improving resume writing, interviewing and networking skills. It is highly recommended to initiate TAP services 18-24 months out from date of separation but no less than one year from separation. Professionally-trained workshop facilitators from the Department of Labor, the A&FRC and other veteran assistance organizations present the workshops. For more information on the transition services offered, visit the Travis Air Force Base A&FRC website https://www.travisafrc.com/transition-assistance
Release 2024.08.27.1