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Air Force
Base Education Center
530 Hickam Avenue
BLDG 249
Travis AFB, CA 94535
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
If you’ve ever considered taking your education a step further, you should look to your installation for more information and assistance. They can help you decide if receiving an advanced degree is right for you, tell you which local colleges and classes are offered and find out if you’re eligible for tuition assistance. The Voluntary Education Center, or Installation Education Center, is available to help you put together a plan to advance your education.
Military spouses can also choose to engage with an education and career coach through the DoD’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, or SECO. These coaches can assist them in exploring multiple tools, resources and information to reach their educational goals. To contact a career coach call 800-342-9647 or visit https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil.
The Education and Training Center is the original point of contact for any adult education questions. The Travis area is fortunate in its ability to offer a wide variety of course work, most of which is available at times and days to suit both military and civilian personnel.
Professional guidance counselors are available to assist individuals in planning their educational goals. Counseling services are also offered to family members on a space available basis. The counselors provide information on the many facets of the Air Force Voluntary Education Program and will also provide unofficial evaluation of transcripts for application to the Community College of the Air Force, interpret interest inventory results, provide information on financial aid, help students define their educational goals and show them the many alternative ways to reach these goals.
The Mitchell Memorial Library (Building 436) serves the entire Travis community and provides support for on-base educational programs. In addition to a total book collection of 40,000 volumes, the library provided numerous references. Study materials are available for the CLEP, DSST, GRE, GMAT, GED, SAT and Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT).
The following Universities have classes on Travis AFB. Visit their websites for up-to-date information on offerings, fees and hours.
To learn more about tuition assistance, scholarships, and grants visit the Education and Training Center. To meet with an education counselor, call 707-424-3444.
A professional staff of counselors, administrators, and college representatives dedicated to meeting your education needs.
Call the Education Center at 707-424-3444 to make an appointment with an education counselor.